Chapter XVI

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Freya POV

My hair looked like an afro, Grace's idea was great about the motorbikes. But the choice between helmet hair or wind hair, it had been hard. I decided that there was no way I would put on the helmet. For starters, it was yellow and with my blond hair! Major no!! I tried desperately to flatten it, all it did was frizz out more. I looked over at my brother Kyle, I noticed that his knees were very straight, his kneecaps bent all the way back. His hands were shaking, the door had opened when it saw us. I reached into my bag and withdrew a flashlight, shone it through the room. Grace sucked in a breath of air next to me, I knew that the dummies scared her. I wasn't fazed I found them rather funny. They reminded me of big, life-sized barbies that I used to play with. I stepped through carefully, not wanting to be taken off guard. My pulse raced as I looked around, there was so much dust. It looked like mini flying bugs, the others stepped in after me. I turned to face them, their faces seemed to shimmer and distort. It was like looking up from under the water. I was about to call out when a voice spoke in her mind, I froze. It was telling me to walk towards the door. I turned around and saw a gold, shimmering door. But I didn't want to! I wanted to see her brother! How was this person telling me what to do! He doesn't have the right to tell me what to do! Then came the horrible noises of torture.

Cameron POV

I was so worried. I had overheard Grace talking to the others about Jay and Bree, but I couldn't follow it all. I had heard enough to understand that they were in serious trouble. I was running around the rooms looking for weapons or a map or something useful. I was on the third floor when I found Jay's room. I opened the door slowly, I carefully stuck my head in. My jaw dropped, a beam of light cast elongated shadows in the setting sun. It looked like a bomb had blown up there. Feathers from the mattress had settled on the floor, and his covers and pillows lay on the ground torn to shreds, coated in even more feathers.

"I'm not going to find anything here," I decided. I crossed the hall and opened the door opposite to Jay's. It was immaculate. Nothing was out of place, pictures of Gray and the rest of the children hung on the walls, some of just had two small children. Grace and Jay hanging onto Gray as he struggled to get loose. Then there was another with four children, Freya sitting on the floor next to Grace. While Jay and Kyle hitting each other with foam swords and Gray laughing. Then a picture of all five of them sitting in a park, the sun was bright and they seemed to be having fun. I tore my eyes away from the pictures, a glass of water was placed on a wooden side table. Nothing moved, I strained my ears. A faint scratching was coming from the closet in the corner of the room. It got louder as I inched closer. I pulled open the closet door and stared at a small, gold and white ferret. I let out a sigh of relief as my heart returned to its normal pace. The ferret stood up on his back paws and blinked calmly with full white eyes. I smiled, he'd always loved animals even if this one was blind. I poked two fingers through the cage bars. I gasped in pain as the ferret sank its incredibly big teeth into my fingers! It clings on, only releasing his teeth when my fingers turned silver and I felt really light headed. I screamed in pain as my veins turned pure gold, they spread like paint in water through my body! It burned and stung, I collapsed gasping as my lungs squeezed. I could not handle the horrible pain pulsing in waves through my body. Suddenly it stopped, I rose to my feet his veins were bright blue against his newly silver skin, suddenly it happened again. My heart was beating very fast, and my bones seemed to burn through my flesh. My whole body was glowing silver like the stars in the dark sky, I was still glowing when the pain stopped. I turned and the cage in the closet fell and broke into millions of shards of bent glowing wire. I looked at his back, and beautiful, silver feather wings had sprouted. I ran to the long mirror by the door. I was a fucking glowing alien. No not an alien, an angel. My brown mop of hair, which had once hung over his eyes was now pointed and silver. My eyes glowed and shone, the pupil was thin and cat-like. Bree is going to freak out!! I thought. I could no longer feel my heart beating in his chest. My breath didn't rattle, everything was sharp and loud. Every particle of dust was visible. The once tidy room was now a sparkling cloud of dust.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now