Chapter X

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Brianna POV

I woke up in a different room, this room was painted a very pale silver colour. I looked around blearily, Jay was sitting on a chair watching me.

"She's alive," He said softly, he smiled a dazzling smile, "When Gray calmed your mind, you literally collapsed. I woke up an hour ago." He was holding a sketchpad and pencil, "I got bored so I was sketching." His hair covered his face when he looked down.

"Can I see it?" I murmured into the pillow. I flipped over on to my side and fell off the bed. Thunk. Jay was laughing, I got up and scowled in his direction untangling myself from his blankets.

"It's the second time you've done that since I woke up." He chuckled. I looked around,

"Where did you sleep?" I imagined myself falling off the bed in my sleep.

"I slept on the mattress by the closet." He gave me a grin,

I just stared at him.

"You slept on the floor and I slept in your bed?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

He blushed and showed me the sketch he'd drawn, it was amazing. He got the shading perfect. It was a drawing of me, sleeping. My hair flowed down my neck, my face was angular. The girl in the picture looked beautiful.

"It's incredible!" I gacked.

"I'm going downstairs to eat something! I'm starved!" He got up and ruffled his hair, then rushed out the room leaving me to sit on his bed.

My breakfast was amazing! Pancakes and syrup. I wandered upstairs, I walked into my messy room and yanked open my closet to find a shirt and a sock at the bottom. So I got out of my room and went up a flight of stairs then two doors down, to see Grace. She was more than happy to help but she didn't open her closet, she sat me down.

"Bree, are you listening to me?" Grace waved her hand in front of my face. "Did you hear what I said? I said we're going shopping for some clothes! Me, you and Freya. The guys are going to go kill some demons, it'll be fun!" She held up a grey crop top, she looked super excited.

"Can't we just stay here and watch a film! Please." I begged, my heart had stopped beating when she said the word "shopping". It's not that I didn't like shopping, it was just that everything was so expensive so I'd never gone to a proper cloths store.

"No, you can't stay. We're going shopping for you! You can't keep stealing my clothes!" She tossed the tank top at me with a pair of black leggings, "Put it on and we can go." She stood up and walked over to her vanity table. She fixed her eyeliner and smacked some blush on her face. A pink haze covered her head. I went back to my room, I ducked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I hate shopping for myself, actually I hate shopping with my dad. That's the great thing about having Cameron for a best friend! He doesn't care what I was and he doesn't really like shopping.

I sat in Freya's car. It was beautiful, sleek, black and long. It suited her personality. The car was beautiful on the outside and a bit hollow and shallow on the inside.

"How much do we want to spend? Six thousand or so." Freya waved her hand as she talked, then opened a mirror and adjusted her flawless hair.

"Six thousand! That's a huge amount of money!" I shrieked.

Grace giggled,

"No, we normally spend more than that, we're just setting a low bar for users to jump. We will grab a drink before we go marathon shopping. We need to fuel up!" She squealed in excitement.

The girls began chatting about what they're looking for, I listened to them. I felt sick, I had never been a great shopper. And now I was sitting in a shiny sports car, talking about spending SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS!

We pulled into a reserved spot which said "Space reserved for Grace, Freya and company."

"You have your own private space?" I gawked at the diamond-encrusted sign.

"Of course! We're not going to walk all the way through the parking lot with 100 bags! I guess we will need to change it to Space reserved for Grace, Freya and Brianna, plus company." Freya said as if it was obvious.

"Oh, right. How did you manage to get your own space?" I looked over at them.

"We know the manager. He's a friend of Gray and he's an elemental. We go here shopping so often, he lets us have the best space in the lot." Grace smiled, but I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

Liam POV

I was ecstatic, I couldn't wait to go slaughter some bad guys. I stuffed my bag full of swords, throwing stars, daggers and more. I whistled absentmindedly as I placed a wire whip into my bags front pocket. I was just zipping it up when Kyle poked his head in,

"Are you ready yet? Jay's downstairs eating some leftovers. Do you want anything?" He was carrying a backpack too, it bulged and clunked as he moved. He jostled it and grinned wickedly.

"Sure. I'll have some toast with honey. Oh, and could you pass me the gun on the wall." I was pointing at my massive machine gun loaded with silver and iron bullets.

"Yeah, sure." Kyle tossed it at me. I reached out and caught it with one hand and slung it over my shoulder, I shoved in a few more throwing stars into my jean pockets. Then I stood up and raced downstairs, I felt so happy. Finally some guy time! 

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now