Chapter II

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The bus was practically empty, just an old batty lady with a cat on a leash and a sleeping teenager at the back with his dark hood covering his eyes. Cameron and I paid for our tickets then took are regular seats behind the driver. I kept twisting around to look at the strange teen, he seemed familiar but then again, there where only 2 schools. Our run down one and the luxurious palace school up in the hills brimming with rich snobs who were promised since birth they'd be something. This kid. Nope, no snob. So one of our guys.

The bus ride was short and there wasn't much traffic so the bus driver decided to drop us off at the gates to our school. I mumbled a low "Thanks" under my breath as we stepped out of the bus onto the warm rocky pavement. The bus zoomed off loudly as we turned and walked into the death trap.

French speed by, I met Cameron outside of his class before we walked to the library. We had a free period so we didn't need to rush, but as I was climbing the stairs to the 3 floors when I smelt a strong horrible smell. The horrible smell of death. The horrible smell of Linzey's perfume, I braced myself form the full wall or aroma as I rounded the corner, sure enough, I saw Linsey and her super squad of rich, brainless supervillains in tow. The thing is, she was to dumb to even have her application considered at the other school, so my one wish in life was to make Lindsey smarter... then she'd be gone. She caught sight of Cameron and I and slowly strowed over to us, her blond hair swished around her waist as her heald feet hit the ugly tiles. I felt Cameron tens as she approached, he had a soft spot for her ever since he laid eyes on her. Personally, I found her shallow, stupid and a waste of human mater. She came to a stopped in front of me, her perfume was like a noxious gas. She locked me up and down,

"So the roadkill survived. I thought you finally realized that you were unwanted and disappeared." She sighed comically and blinked her lash extensions slowly. "I would never show my face if I looked like you. I mean really! Have you ever washed your hair? Well, it's no surprise! You can't even afford a mirror!" Her stupid friends laugh shrilly and flipped there hair. "She probably has no idea how ugly she looks since you can't even afford a mirror... let alone shampoo!" Lindsey's dark-haired friend shrieked like a hag. I took a step back, I was having trouble breathing because of her stench. "Don't you walk away from me" Linzey sneered looking a lot like a disabled toad as she lurched forwards grabbing my arm. I looked up at her and said cooly.

"Lindsey is your ass jealous of your mouth with how much shit comes out. It's better to let someone think you're an idiot than to open your mouth to prove it." Her friends had stopped laughing and stood there stunned. "Lindsey what language do you even speak? Wait! Wait! let me think, Bullshit. If I had a face like yours I would sue my parents! Lindsey, I am so so glad that you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance! Now if you could please let me pass I would like to go to the library." I grabbed Cameron's arm and pushed a stunned Lindsey out of my way. I gave her brainless bodyguards a little coucou sign before shoving my way to the library. Cameron turned his head to look at me with big wide questioning eyes. I just kept walking I didn't know exactly what had happened when Lindsey had confronted me. Maybe it was just the inpatients for the end of the school year, or it was that I had had enough of that girl!

By the time we got to the library the bell for lunch had rung. My stomach grumbled and my head was throbbing. I tore open my bag as I suddenly realized that I had left my lunch on the table. I cursed and let my bag thump to the floor in defeat. Cameron looked over,

"Do you want my apple?" He rolled it across the library table. I accepted it gratefully.

It was a Wednesday so I only had three more periods left of school, Music, Science and finally Theater. Music was horrible as usual, we were all learning how to play the flute. Let's just make it clear that we were the worst class at music, so it was loud and shrill and sounded a lot like Lindseys laugh mixed with a thousand babies playing with violins... All in all not good. Science was fun except for the part that Cameron sat next to Lindsey and she was taking earlier argument out on him for even being associated with me. Other from that it was fun, we did a practical and we were testing whether sodium chloride is a reactive substance or not. We got our tests back and I got 82% and Cameron got 94%... as usual.

Theatre was the BEST lesson of the week! We were preparing for our Romeo and Juliet performance in two weeks so we were going through our dress rehearsal. It was fun, I was cast Lady Capulet, Juliet's mother.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now