Chapter VI

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Brianna POV

Blackened splintered bones when strewn along the flesh and intestines that littered the surrounding street, ash rained like dark snow on the pavement coating everything in a dark dense layer. Smoking rubble lay on the road, cars flamed camera's flashed. Cameron cried. His mother, my father, our neighbors, everyone gone, every possession just all gone. The apartment building had almost completely vanished, patches of bubbling red blood patterned the pavement and pieces of rouble where stuck in surrounding buildings. Jay walked through the rouble lifting and turning over rocks until he found a patch of bright orange blood. He bent down until he was sitting on his heels and examined it scooping up a glob of it on his finger and swiftly he held it to his nose. He flung it away just as quickly whipping his fingers in the dirt. The dirt began to smolder at its touch.

"It was an Ignis Comedentis fire demon. The second it touches fire it explodes because it consumes it feeding off its energy and the magic is amplified to create an explosion in a specialized area. This was no coincidence nor was the monster used..." Jay's hands shook as he rubbed his nose leaving a smudge of blood and ashes as he pulled himself off his heels. Grace walked over to a big slab of rubble, she bent down and pushed it until its hiden face was revealed, it was flat and was etched with an inscription. Then she shivered and took a small step back.

"Gray! Come and look!" She said exhaling as if she had been winded, transfixed at what the stone said.

We all crowded around the block of charred rubble. Grey bent over laying his hand over four black upsides down crosses in a circle where etched into the rubble, it was covering another sign.

Jay looked at me and said in a deeper voice than usual,

"That explains how you haven't been bothered by monsters, the sign that is covered up, is actually a very small carving of Certona. That is complete overkill! You could just have their symbol, the representation of Certona is the most powerful demon protection in the world..."

Grey hadn't paid any attention to Jay's explanation, he placed two fingers on the cross and closed his eyes in pain as he laid his other hand over his heart and his nails digging through his shirt and into his skin. It was odd, they were all odd. So dramatic and serious, they should be mourning. These where innocent people's lives and loved ones who were killed because of me. Why where they being so emotionless and possessive of this bloody rock.

"Vade daemonia. The Dark Circle." Grey murmured opening his eyes, irises seemed to be moving like an allusion. The actual color itself was shifting in tiny whirlpools of green and blue.

"Who are they?" Freya asked, her hazel green eyes locking on her brother Kyle who was staring out into the surrounding streets that were starting to get packed with police, media, and civilians.

"I'll tell you back at the stronghold. It's too risky out here. We need to go now! We can't let them see Bree nor Cameron, they must think they perished in the explosion as well." Grey ordered as he straightened up abruptly and headed back into the front set of the van slamming the metal door behind him. He laid his head on the steering wheel infant of him and then straightened back up and yelled at us from inside the van. Jay sat back on his again heels. Liam put his arm around Grace, he stroked her hair with care. Freya lent against her brother Kyle. Cameron moved closer and wrapping his arms around me, protectively until Grey started to pound the horn and gesture wildly.

The weather was now miserable, rain trickled down the large windows and the never-ending pitter patter was the only sound in the house along with the thunder echoing over the grounds. The inside of the house was silent except for the creeks of beams as someone moved about above me. The sky mirrored my emotions, dark and sad, my heart was shattered and I wasn't sure how to handle this level of grief. I thought of the times where I was five and I was racing Cameron down the staircase banister. Even the old, molded, broken couch I missed. A tear ran down my cheek as I looked around at my new high tech room, it had an on-suite bathroom that was bigger than my entire room at my old apartment. Grey had given me a surround sound system, it was big, shiny and probably cost more than all the clothes I had ever owned. Now tears poured in rivers down my face soaking the colure of my shirt. The rain thickened until you could barely see out the window and the trees became misshapen blobs in the distance.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now