Chapter V

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John Black POV

I lay on the freezing black marble floor, the knife that my Lord had thrown lay at my now muscular feet, I pressed a clean tourniquet on the oozing hole in my upper arm. When my Lord had thrown the blade, my instincts had kicked in, I drew a small throwing star and hit it mid-air with a clang that had resonated through the dense never-ending darkness. I had become rusty and slow, I've been a crippled old human for too long. Instead of impaling in my heart it sank into my shoulder, I groaned in agony as I stuck my index finger into the cold wet wonder to see how deep it went. It traveled to the bone, not bad, maybe a couple hours of heeling. But my body wasn't adapt to its full form yet after being cramped in that withering body so it might take longer to fully heal. Black blood trickled down my hard alien body, for about the thousandth time I regretted not telling Bree what I really was and what I really looked like. The remnants of my shirt stuck to my blue prickly, thorn-like chest, I locked up with full black eyes no white surrounded my iris. I was like a walking blue pine tree mixed with a 6ft hedgehog... only slightly more dangerous with three rows of contactable thin, long fangs that jutted out my mouth. The silver moon blade had forced me to shift painfully into his natural form in the flicker of an instant, my alien form, my true form. I closed my triangular shaped eyes and concentrated using my weakened power to change into Brianna's father. It burnt at my soul.

Brianna POV

Jay left the room letting the door swing shut with a loud and startling SNAP, the second the door closed I unzipped my jacket throwing off my armor and pulled off my shirt, throwing them onto the dark wood floor. I looked through the pile of Grace's clothes on my bed looking for less 'noticeable' attire. Nothing. So I climbed the marble steps up to Graces room. Grace sat on her bed with a pile of clothes surrounding her, she looked like a beautiful birds nesting in a nest of satin and fabrics.

"My brother loves a pretty girl dressed in black." She grinned at me with one perfectly shaped eyebrow raised as she scooped up a pile of lace and denim. She flicked her straight jet black hair over her shoulder as she dropped the pile on the other side of the king-sized bed. She proceeded to sift through them making separate piles on her soft grey blanket. Her bedroom was a dream, everything a super soft whity-pink and a light whity-grey. She threw a bundle of clothes at me. They were ripped, black, high-waisted skinny jeans they had a chain hanging loosely on the left side and a logoless black t-shirt. I drew my hair up into a high ponytail leaving a couple strands to hang loos at the front. Then Grace slapped me with a soft powder puff, a cloud billowed up over my face, I coughed and spat on the floor a glitter glob of saliva and foundation. 

"Let's go" Grace announced as she tossed the powder back onto her makeup desk which was strong with pots and jars all branded with expensive brands. All piled one on top of the other as if they where second thoughts.

Liam and Jay were leaning against a pillar, Jay lit his hand on fire and toyed with the flames impatiently Why did girls take so damn long?! Kyle sulked in the corner, his head shot up as Bree and Grace stepped out of Grace's room. Grace ran over to another girl in a pink tank top and really short shorts and flung her arms around her.

"You must be Bree!" The girl said in a high girly voice, I tried my best not to laugh. Jay walked over to the other side of the room away from Grace to a little desc. He clanked around for a second, then he came back with a beautiful slim glowing dagger, "This is a moon dagger. They're very rare. It's made out of diamond found inside of the moon. It's for you I found it and put it aside, it was your mother's I'm positive she would want you to have this." Jay held it out to me with an unreadable expression. All thoughts of this real-life Barbie in front of me evaporated at the mention of my mother replaced with a tidal wave of jealousy and desperation. Everyone but her own daughter knew her and her life... I rushed over and grabbed the dagger out of his hands, I examined every inch of the blade.

"You knew my mother!" I exclaimed desperately hoping to see if there was anything that I recognise, or that I could associate with her.

Grey walked in,

"Your mother was the best protector and elemental I've ever seen," Grey snapped his fingers a chair appeared, it was a strange chair, it was made up of water witch swirls and sprayed; "She was a natural. She used that dagger and the sky. She ripped through demon armies like they were paper men." Grey's face fell, "She came to an awful end. She was betrayed by her loved ones. I think they thought she was too powerful, a threat, but it was gruesome."

"That's impossible! She wasn't a fighter! She was a teacher! My dad said so! And how do you know all this?!" I had to lean or sit on something as a rush of emotions passed through my body. Everything from heartache to anger all the way to distrust.

Jay put his hand on my shoulder squeezing firmly, more firmly then I would have liked,

"We need to go! We got a message from the elementalists in Certona. They said that your dad is in trouble."

I shot to my feet my heart stopped as I remembered why I was dressed,

"Why didn't you say so!?" I ran out of the room and into a long marble hallway.

"Bree!" Jay called after me, "It's that way!" He pointed the opposite way I had run, I wheeled around my face burning with humiliation and followed Grace out, my cheeks flushed with blood as Kyle snickered. We climbed into a baby blue van with cheesy looking street art sprayed onto it, mostly tagging but some logos where visible. I climbed in last meaning I got the sit closest to the exit. I lent back resting my head against the metal rusted wall, I was shaking my palms were sweaty and my black shirt was sticking to my back. It was at least 50 degrees outside, but I still felt so cold, my molecules seemed to be frozen. I watch cars drive the opposite way from the small plastic window on the backdoor. The van jumped up and down running right over potholes, my head slamming against the back and the side of the van like a brainless bobblehead in a box.

"Hey, you okay?" Grace asked softly as we jounced over a 6 pack of beer they Grey obviously could not have avoided...

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said not looking at her, I shifted my eyes down to stare hypnotically at the bottom of the van. I absent-mindedly rolled an empty wine bottle across to the other side where it hit Liam' s trainered foot.

"You don't look fine. Let me help."

She put her hand on my temples I was stuck in the corner so I couldn't exactly jerk away, a whooshing noise field my ears like the same sound that happens when you put your ear up to a big conch shell. I closed my eyes. Suddenly red spots clouded his vision and pins and needles erupted in my fingertips.

"Open your eyes." She murmured softly into my ear.

I did, suddenly I could see a clearer version of the world, it was bright and beautiful. I could see little twinkling lights in bushes that lay on the side of the freeway and a little green man was sitting on a wooden beam playing a wooden flute when we took a turn off onto a ramp and Grey slowed the car, I spide a fishy looking thing sat at a table eating a tuna sandwich when we started to drive into town. I caught sight of a gang of wolf boys how were running across the rooftops, the lead boy wolf gave me a flirtatious wave I giggled and gave him a wink just for the giggles as we got into the more poor areas. He let out a loud howl and his friend jumped on him and they tackled on a roof for the fun of it. Then an explosion shook the earth, cracks appeared in the road and the rundown buildings shook. Ripples of air swayed the van and glass shattered all around us as windows exploded outwards, shards bouncing off the metal exterior of our ride. A cloud of fire rose up into the air in the shape of a mushroom cloud. The tiles were falling off roofs and the air grew dangerously smoggy. The wolves ran faster the boy gave me one last wave then he speeds off in the opposite directions on all fours. And the van squealed and accelerated this time Grey seemed to have gained this magical power that allowed him to avoid every scrap of debris on the road... not like a full 6 pack of beer. My heart was beating 1000 beats a second and my hair was starting to stick to my face. My stomach was in my throat, I looked over at Cameron, he was chalk white.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now