Real becomes Fake

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Hi my lovely readers, you must have enjoying the monsoon weather, Me too but there should be some sunshine. Dhule kapde nahi sookhte yar. Well that is a particular housewife reaction and I am also a housewife. Let's not complaining!! I am very HAPPY that you people gave so many comments on last chapter. I am smiling like a Cheshire cat. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU A LOT!!

Please give your comments like that and I will keep updating soon. Please enjoy the chapter and give your views, suggestions, comments and of course votes :) 

Alex POV

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL YOU ARE TALKING, GAWRI" I couldn't hold my anger but I also fear if it is true.

No it can't be. Mrinal is just like Tori to me and if anything happens to her then I swear I will kill Pratap Ranaji with my bare hands.

Gauri started crying and then I realize that my behavior can stress her out. I hugged her and wiped her tears. She was so weak but her temperature is coming down.

"Sorry Babe, I am so sorry. I just carried away in emotion. You know what Mrinal means to both of us. Baby, just think!! That bastard must have tricked you" I explained her softly and she started sobbing.

"I...I saw her body in morgue" I was stroking her hair and I halted. Has she just said Morgue?

"Where is her son, Aarav?" I asked in a panic tone.

"He took him away and threatened me that if I will tell you then he would kill him as well" I looked at her tears. How could she lie in such a vulnerable state?

"Oh Gawri!! Don't worry love, we will save him" What we will tell Rohan when he will come back? He would be devastated. I couldn't save Mrinal but I would definitely save his son.

"No..No Alex, please you must go away. He will kill everybody if he came to know that you came to me" What everybody?? How many lives are in danger? What the hell is going on and happened behind my back?

"What do you mean by 'everybody' baby?" I have to take advantage of her mental condition because once she will become conscious, it will be hard to crack her.

"Everybody except the Millers" I know that no one can attack us as dad has put a tight security around us but....Oh damn!! How could I forget about the security of Vibu and Mrinal.

"Are you talking about Vibhu?" I asked her softly and she sobbed again.

"He too" God what the hell this bastard has done? How wide his trap is?

"Who else?" Tears started streaming her face.

"Okay I will take names and you just say yes or no"

"Your aunt" she nodded in yes

"Your uncles means Ramesh uncle, Bhanu uncle" yes

Who else can be who doesn't belong to Miller?

"Daniel" yes

"Ms. Wilfred" yes

"Sunaina Masi" she whispered.

"Rahul too??" I asked and she said yes.

I rubbed my forehead, God!! Bhuwan ji was right, Pratap is a silent enemy. No doubt, Gauri chose to left me rather than sacrificing her whole family.

"Alex, you have to go" she pleaded again.

"What is his condition? What he wants from you?" I came to the point. He must not have blackmailed her without any motive.

"Treasure" She whispered and I gritted my teeth. What a sick man he is? He has murdered her mother for it and now emotionally blackmailing her for the same.

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