Old flame

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"Masi, agar aap kisi tarah Rohan se contact kar le toh (Auntie, if you could somehow contact Rohan)" Gauri was speaking in hushed tone. I hid myself behind a pillar when Gauri and Mrinal's mother was taking a turn to enter the hall.

Mrinal's mom stopped and turned towards her.

"Priya, sab thik ho jayega. Bhagwan par bharosa rakho. Jahan tak rohan ki bat hai, jab tak wo khud samne nahi aye tab tak humein khud pata nahi hota k wo zinda bhi hain k nahi. (Priya, everything will be fine. In case of Rohan, we don't know where he is until he showed up by himself). You know cops are like that" she replied in a disappointed voice.

Gauri lightly squeezed her hands and nodded in understanding.

My boss sat near me while the ladies settled opposite to us and Pratap took the seat on the center chair.

He praised my boss and me for the finding and told us that he expects that we would give him the good news soon.

A guard approached him and whispered something. He gave a slight nod and excused himself before slipping out.

"Heera" I whispered to my airborne spy and gave him directions. I have put a microphone on his chain. He is very good in covering his big stature in darkness. He must have followed Pratap because I could hear his footsteps echoing in the hallway leading to the porch.

"Why did you come here? If she finds you here then your cover will blow off" Pratap voice came through the small wireless headphone placed near my left ear.

"I have more important things to consider than her. Have you find out the attacker?" Another male voice came over.

"No, they have not left any clue and rain has also washed away their footsteps. We don't know who attacked them and why?" Pratap sighed.

"Don't worry. I will find out. Just tell your men to show me that place" the other voice was demanding.

"Okay, they will accompany you in morning. You can rest."

"I am not here for rest Pratap. Do you know how much I have lost?" the calm angry voice was threatening.

"I know but I am not responsible for that. I have also lost my men but am I complaining." Pratap was irritated.

"You have lost only a few lives but I have lost millions. I had never faced such loss in my life." he huffed in anger.

"Listen Akash, calm down. You can't think properly in this condition. Take some rest and then we will work on it together" there was silence on the other side.

"How is she?" that Akash guy finally broke the silence.

"She is doing well. Don't worry, I am taking good care of her" Pratap chuckled a little

"Keep your hands away from her Pratap. I can't tolerate anyone near her" Pratap gave a hearty laugh and got a grunt in response.

"Oh really. She is married Akash and her husband is not sexually deficient. He loves her from a very long time and you know how desperate lovers are" Pratap mocked him

"Pratap" Akash yelled at him

I had a feeling that they were talking about Gauri but I was convinced that they were talking about us.

"She is mine. Did you get that? She has to come back to me." Akash hissed in anger.

"Yeah yeah. I got it. let her do my work and then she is all yours." Pratap was amused

"I want to see her now," he asked softly.

"Ah desperate" Pratap chuckled

"Come I will show you. But you can't meet her" their footsteps again made a sound in the hallway.

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