Handle with care

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James POV

"Mom, here are your medicines" Tori's voice came from the door and then she rushed to Rose side. I couldn't still believe whatever I have read in this file. Rose has been counselled for rape trauma and I don't know anything about that. I am afraid from inside but I want to know what has happened to her. Don't she has any trust on me? Who dared to hurt her? Why I don't have any knowledge about it?

"Mom, are you okay? Dad what happened to her?" She gave me a questioning look.

"Tori, I need to talk to your mom. Please go outside" Her gaze fall upon the file which was in my hands and her expression changed from concern to anger.

"I am not going anywhere Dad and you won't try to stress mom with your question" her tone has more warning than the request.

"Tori, please don't talk to your dad like that" Rose scolded her in between her sobs.

"Mom, I am not just your daughter but your doctor too" She hold her hand and said softly.

"Don't take stress, it is not good for your health" She side hugged Rose to comfort her

"Dad, this is not the right time to ask your questions. She will tell you when she will be fine" It means Tori also knew that. I was stunned and rooted to my spot.

"You knew" I just mumbled those words and she nodded her head a little.

"Rose, get ready. We have a meeting to attend. Tori help her" Tori nodded at me and I arranged the files a briefcase.

Adam was waiting at the dining table for breakfast and going through Susie's documents. I put the briefcase near the chair and settled myself. He greeted me and I smiled at him.

"So what do you think? Daniel has any chances"

"No Uncle, there are many things against him. First he has to claim his property at the age of 25 but he has not shown any interest after repeated notifications and then he has become interested all of a sudden. I have secretly investigated on him and found that he has not the documents for claiming his inheritance with him. His mother has handed over those documents to Princess Sujata long time ago and in case of lost documents, he will face great difficulty in proving his identity as King's heir. Third, he has to take approval from his cousins Gauri and Mreenaal along with their spouses to claim the king's investment. This is also in our favour because Gauri is missing, Mreenaal is out of reach, Alex will never help him in ages and Rohan has been off to his duty without giving any details of his location." I was very satisfied with his answers.

"What about today's meeting? How we will convince the owners that king's investment is safe with us and we will handle it properly" He smiled broadly like he has already taken care of that.

"Uncle, Aunt Rose has handled all these financial matters till now and they have not faced any problems. All these investors have full faith on her and in case of handing over the power of attorney to Alex, they will not raise any question as Alex is Princess Sujata son in law. If they raise any question about how the princess has declared him as her successor then we can say that Gauri and Alex has been betrothed in childhood. This excuse is very acceptable since Princess Sujata and Aunt Rose were best friends and everybody knows about that. Besides that, King has also praised the ladies in front of all the business fraternity means he has accepted and trusted Aunt Rose in every manner " I nodded in understanding.

Tori and Rose has joined us while we were talking and silently eating their breakfast. They are also focusing on Adam's words and nodded sometimes when he looked at them.

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