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(Your P.O.V.)




'Shut up!' I thought as I woke up. I assumed it was my alarm clock, but then I remembered seeing a car. Did I get hit? God damn it. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a white room sitting on a bed. I look down at my arms and saw wires attached.

'So I am in the hospital.' I thought, moving my head to look around. Monitors here and there, tubes, wires, the usual. I've been in the hospital before and that was because while I was in the mental hospital, I gotten beaten up by this kid.

I hear the door open and I turn my head to it seeing a doctor. "Hello, how are you feeling?" She asked with a smile.

"Sore, kind of tired." I replied.

"You were hit pretty badly," she said, walking to me. "but you're okay." She told me. "And, if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" She asked.

"Y/n L/n." I reply to her question.

"Thank you, miss L/n." She walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at the interesting ceiling.

A few hours later, a nurse came in with a tray of medication. "I have some painkillers and a glass of water for you," He grinned.

He sets the tray down and hands me a tall glass of water and a pill. I pop the pill in my mouth and drank it down with water. I was thirsty so I drank the whole glass. "Thank you," I said, handing him the glass cup.

"My pleasure." He walked out of the room with both the tray and cup.

(Author's P.O.V.)

An hour went by and you hear the door opening again. You turn your head only to see your step mother. You glare at her. "What do you want-"

She cuts you off with a hug. "Oh, my little baby girl!" You roll your eyes. Of course she would be faking it.

You push her away and say, "Bitch, you almost killed me last night."

"Now, is that a way to talk to your mother?" She dramatically questioned.

"You're not my mother! You were fucking drunk last night, came into my room with a damn kitchen knife, almost killed me, made me run out onto the streets and get hit by a car!" You talk back. The anger in you was unbelievable right now. "Now, you're damn faking that you actually care about me!"

"You worthless bitch!" Now you really did it. That look in her eyes meant that she was going to stab a bitch, and that bitch is you. Before she could lunge at you, the doctors pulled her away. "You're nothing! You're a stupid, ugly, unloved girl who will never be friends with no one!!"

'Stupid..ugly..unloved..' Those words repeat in your head as you watch your step mom being taken away by the hospital security. Those three words always hit you hard like a wrecking ball.

(A/n: Miley-I came in like a-

Shut up!!!)

Tears were already in your eyes and you don't hold them back this time. "I'm nothing..." You sob. "I'm not smart, I'm ugly, and everyone hates me..." You tell yourself. "Even Mark, Jack, and Pewds..."

The whole day, you were silent and almost unresponsive.

Just because of three simple words.

It Will Be Okay, Y/n. {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now