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(Author's P.O.V.)


A car. A car had hit you.

Pain. Pain is all you can feel.

Blur. Your vision was blurry.

Voices. Voices is all you can hear.

Blood. Blood everywhere.

Darkness. Darkness started to consume you.

As you passed out on the road, a man came out of the car with a lady. "Oh my god, what the heck?!" The man exclaimed. The woman called 911 and spoke in quick incoherent words.


"Ma'am, please calm down," the operator on the phone said. "we're sending an ambulance there immediately."

"Oh my god, thank you!"

"I didn't even see her coming!! She just ran and boom! I hit her!" The man panicked, managing to find your pulse. It was slow but you were still breathing.

"Is she still alive, Mat?" The woman questioned.

"Yes, Stephanie." Mat replied.

Five minutes later, an ambulance came. They put you on a gurney, rolled you into the ambulance, and drove to the hospital quickly.

You were quickly rushed into the emergency room. You woke up a little to only see blurry images of faces and lights. You slightly move your head side to side. The voices couldn't be properly heard. Darkness fell upon you again.

Hours went by as the doctors managed to save your life. Wires and devices were attached to you, keeping track on your heartbeats. You were still asleep though, so you couldn't feel anything.

This was all because of that bitch.

A/n: Hey! Thought I might do this one now because I can even though it's short. Bye! ~Gravity_Faller

It Will Be Okay, Y/n. {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now