We Meet Angelica, and She is a Precious Bean.

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*Laurens pov*

I didn't know what to think of this kid, man! He was obviously trying to be friendly, and he seemed very flustered and nervous.

I decide that i like him. He seems nice enough.

I don't even know why i invited him to hang out, i mean, i hardly know the kid!

"So, Alex, what's your story? Tell me about yourself." I ask him. He automatically seems to tense up, and I instantly regret asking. After taking a deep breath, he responds, "Well i've lived in the Caribbean most of my life, my mom died when i was young, and my dad left before that. So i've kind of been on my own. I did live with my cousin for a while but he's gone." He weakly smiled and went on "But thanks to my brain, i'm here on a full scholarship!"

Well now i feel like a total asshole for asking him that.

Before we could carry on the conversation, we were at Hercules and Lafayette's dorm.

They hardly knew each other at the beginning of college, but they've definitely grown on each other, they're super gay for each other if you ask me.


"Hey guys! This is Alexander, he's my new dorm mate so i invited him to hang out with us." i said to my pals.Lafayette just nodded and replied, "Coolio" but Herc smiled and yelled "Oh, the smart kid!" This obviously offended or hurt, you could see he was trying to smile and act natural, or was i the only one who noticed?

*Alexander's pov*

The smart kid. Is that all i'll ever be?

I smile anyway, because i need friends and these guys look cool. So the one with a heavy french accent is Lafayette and the other is Hercules, so i've been told.

After everyone grabbed their things, we all set off to the nearest bar.

Even though i would love to get drunk and loosen up with the guys, there's two problems

I'm underage (never stopped me before though)

I have no money, i spent it all on the fake ID (I saved up for three months)

That's not going to stop me from going though.


It was about 1 a.m. Usually, i would be writing countless essays, or reluctantly sleeping, but it was a weekend so fuck it.

Laurens was about two beers in when he looked over at me, as i was scrolling through instagram on my very old 2010 iphone 4. (It took me like 10 months to save up for that, but i don't have a phone plan, i just use a texting and calling app when i'm around a wifi area. I use it for games)

"Hey why aren't you drinking? I know you're underage but we all are, so we won't judge you, haha" he said, a little tipsy.

"I spent all my money on a fake ID, i can't afford a drink." i said, a little embarrassed. I am very good at revealing way too much information.

He laughed, like really loud, and ordered me a drink.

"N-no, Laurens you don't have to do th-"

"I want to." he said, in a way that made me just go with it. He was like that.

An hour later, Laurens had bought me five drinks and i was pretty drunk. I'm fairly crazy when i'm drunk, very social, i laugh a lot, i've probably kissed countless people. So it was no surprise that i was showing off my rapping skills to a random girl wearing a red crop top and skinny jeans. Just as i was slurring out a particularly fast rap, to the enjoyment of the three people watching me, i see a man grabbing a girl who obviously did not want to be grabbed. No matter how drunk i was, i understood that that was fucking wrong. Excusing myself from the small group, i walk over to where this is happening.

"Hey man, leave her alone, she's obviously not interested." I start off as nicely as possible, even though i was filled with rage.

"How about you fuck off? This is none of your business!" he man yells. The girl gasps and tries to speak

"C-Charles, you should-"

"Shut up Angelica." he cuts her off bluntly as she struggles in his grip.

At this point i have no idea what to do. Angelica looked terrified and Charles looked enraged.

I panic, and next thing i know, i punch Charles and grab Angelica. It looks like she was fine, just shaken up.

I walk away with Angelica before i get kicked out without my friends.


"So are you here alone?" I ask her. Wait, that sounded creepy. "I'm not trying to pick you up, just worried for you, i guess."

She laughs and pulls her phone out of her jacket.

"No, i'm with my two sisters Eliza and Peggy. If i know them, and i know them as well as i know myself, they're probably kicking ass at the pool table. I should tell them it's almost time to go, it's late."

As she texts her sisters, i take the time to observe what she's wearing, trying not to look creepy.

She was very pretty, with long curly hair and brown eyes. She wore some type of tight sweatpants (i think they're called joggers??) with a white shirt and a pink lettermen jacket with the name Schuyler on the back. Angelica Schuyler, has a ring to it.

"Well i have to go, but it was nice meeting you. Here's my number by the way, you seem chill and i'd love to talk more."

I smile and take the napkin with her number on it.

"Oh im not trying to come onto you, i'm just, you seem cool. That's all" she stutters.

I laugh. "No worries. I'll text you tomorrow."

She smiles and walks off.

An hour later, after three rounds of pool and like seven shots, i was almost too drunk to walk.

Lafayette was drunkenly making out with Hercules, it was actually kind of gross, with the amount of spit all over them.

Me and Laurens decided to go home.

I don't remember much except leaning in on each other and laughing loudly on the whole walk home. The last thing i remember is tripping over each other once we got in the dorm, Laurens fell on me which caused another laughing fit from both of us until he rolled off and we fell asleep on the floor.

I woke up the next morning and realized someone had laid a blanket on me.


That took me an hour to write. It would have been shorter but i listen to Hamilton when i write so i get distracted and start singing sometimes. I'm 100 percent proud of this chapter though, i really like it!!!! A Lot!!! Let me know what you think!!!! Thanks so much!!!!

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