''So, Farkle'' Maya spoke, far too mischievously for his liking. ''You and the cashier were talking a lot. Anything we have to tell Smackle?''

Farkle looked between Riley and Maya, both with wide smiles on their lips. ''What? You think she was interested in me? She was asking about you two, actually''

''Really?'' Riley asked, nervously pulling on her hair. ''I didn't think anyone ever noticed me''

''Why not? You're beautiful'' the words escaped his mouth before he could fully comprehend what he'd said. Riley only murmured a thank you, while Maya glanced at him far too long. ''I mean, you've got a beautiful soul, Riles''

''You really think so?'' she asked, turning to look up at him with her round brown eyes.

He nodded, taking a sip form his mug. ''More than anything''

''She's pretty cute'' Maya said, glancing back at the oblivious cashier. '' Darn it, why do I have to be taken?''

They laughed, and for once, Farkle noticed that Riley's laugh was sounding more and more sincere.


''We're going to get sick, you know that, right?'' Farkle heard Maya said from beside him, watching as Riley joyfully swung back and forth on the swing set.

It was still pouring, but not as much as before with only a few raindrops falling upon them. Riley didn't seem to mind, letting her head fall back as the rain fell upon her face. Farkle had never seen anyone so care free, not even as he stood there trembling in his wet clothes.

''Come on, peaches, this is fun''

Farkle chuckled, walking over to where she was swinging. ''we could just do this when it's sunny again, you know''

''That's no fun'' she pouted, and nodded towards the swing next to her. ''Join me?''

''No way, that's my spot!'' Maya called out, and sitting on the swing before he could even respond. Farkle didn't mind, and instead chose to push them both from behind. He smiled, hearing their cheers as their feet reached the sky.

''You know what this reminds me of?'' Riley asked, continuing to swing back and forth.

Maya grinned. ''What?''

''When we were eight, the three of us used to go to the park and Farkle would always push both of us'' she tilted her head back, so that Farkle could clearly see her. ''Remember, Farkly?''

''Yeah, and we'd always go get ice cream after'' he laughed at the memory. ''Why'd we ever stop doing that?''

''Because we're idiots, that's why'' Maya sighed. ''we should start doing this again. You know, if our pare-''

She suddenly stopped the swing, rapidly taking out her cell phone and scrolling through it.

Riley stopped swinging too, turning to look at her in confusion. ''What is it?''

''I might forgotten to text Mr. and Mrs. Matthews'' her voice has grown quieter through each word, and Farkle and Riley both turned to look at each other in horror. They both jumped to Maya's side, watching as she frantically began typing to them. ''How many messages have they sent?''


''How any missed calls?''


''Oh my gosh, I'm in so much trouble'' Riley cried out, hiding her face into the hoodie's sleeves. ''My parents already think I'm a joke. Now they're never going to let me out of the house''

''Yes, they will, we'll explain everything'' Farkle said, attempting his best to calm her. He could see just how nervous she was, pacing back and forth and taking in deep breaths. He hated seeing her so worried, and if Cory and Topanga yelled at her for something that was his and Maya's fault, he knew he wouldn't hold back anything. ''I promise I won't let them yell at you''

''I'm really sorry, Riles'' Maya said, rising to her feet and looking at them both in guilt. ''I know we were supposed to go out to make you forget about everything, but instead I messed up everything''

''No, you didn't'' the brunette sighed, sending them another one of her well acquainted sad smiles. ''Let's just go back to the subway and go home, okay?''

Farkle and Maya nodded, and they hurried back to the train. Taking a seat next to each to each other, with Riley in the middle once again, he was surprised when he felt her tightly grip his hand, along with Maya's.

''No matter what happens, I just want to tell you guys that I had a lot of fun today'' she grinned, to which he felt his lips tuck up. ''I'm really lucky to have you guys as my best friends. Who knows where I'd be without you''

''We want you to go back to your old happy self, pumpkin'' Maya leaned onto Riley. ''You mean a lot to us''

''Yeah, we want to make it all better'' Farkle continued.

Riley smiled, nodding her head. ''You have. Who knows, maybe I am fixable''

Farkle hadn't thought twice when he wrapped his arm around Riley's shoulder, and pulled her in.

The Lucky One(Riley depression story)Where stories live. Discover now