2 // The Boat

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I woke up to a loud horn. "It's too early!" It took a while for me to realize what I just heard. "Holy shit! A horn!" I grabbed my weapons and climbed down my tree house as fast as I could. Garin following right behind me. I ran as fast as I could towards the noise and hid behind a tree. I saw a bunch of small boats coming towards the island. "They're not coming here are they?"

"They are." I said as they neared closer and closer to me. They shouldn't get that close to shore. I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I turned to my left and then to my right. Great, just great. Now they've done it. Alligators started to make their way over to the water. Great. They're all gonna die.

"Get help." I whispered and Garin leaped back into the trees. If we can't stop the people from coming we can at least distract the alligators from going to them. About 15 seconds later I heard a tribe of gorillas and monkeys screaming their heads off coming closer and closer. I faintly saw everyone's heads turn to us. I held up my bow and arrow and started shooting at the Alligators. Some died, others got hurt. Either way they scattered away from the people coming ashore and from us.

I helped the people onto the land. Everyone looked at me weird and I turned back to see all of the family there. I started laughing. Crazy looks came back. I held my hand up in the air and flicked my wrist, "go." I heard them all leave and Garin jumped onto my shoulder. He handed me a bunch of berries on a small vine.

"Thanks buddy." I whispered and threw one in the air and he caught it in his mouth.

"Who are you?"

"When did you get here?" A woman asked.

"Why do you have that thing on you?" Some random girl asked. She looked like she hates animals from the way her face was looking right about now.

"Do not call him a thing or he will attack you. Trust me."

"So you do speak?" I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk back into the trees.

"You've never gotten off the island?" Someone asked making me stop.

"I suggest you get off of this island before you get stranded here like I did." I turned around again and started walking away.

"I know who you are!" A guy yelled. I paused again and looked at him.

"You're Alex's little sister! He talks about how you two were really close to each other when you were little and then you disappeared."

"How do you know my brother?"

"I'm friends with him. I'm Doug Martin." He held out his hand for me to shake but I was in shock. My family remembered me? Well Alex did at least.

"He still thinks you're just missing. Wait until we go back and you see him again. He's going to be so happy!"

"Woah woah woah! Who said I was going with you?" Everyone started to protest saying that I needed to go home.

"This is my home." Garin made his little noises.  I crossed my arms and he bit my shoulder. "Ow you jackass! What was that for!?" I probably looked crazy as a mofo because I was having a conversation with a monkey.

"Are you okay in the head?" A woman asked me pushing her kid behind her.

"He's telling me to leave and go back to my family."

"We'll be leaving in three hours if you change your mind." The captain said. I nodded and walked back into the Forrest.

I got slapped right as I took five steps. "Ow! Again?" I looked up and saw his brother looking back at me. "Look. I know you all are mad at me but I can't leave. Not without him and he won't leave without you. So I'm not going and that's final." I stomped my foot and had a stare down with Jonah.


"I've decided to leave with you all." I said holding a bag over my shoulder with my weapons and other necessities. We all sat on a boat and paddled our way back to their ship. Last time I was on one of these, bad things happened.

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