Chapter 30 - Hayden

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She hasn't come back down yet and it's understandable. Finn's mum went up earlier to check if she wanted any dinner but she denied. As much as I want to go and see if she's okay, I can't. For the moment I have to leave her alone to pull herself together and I have to trust she will in the end.

In the car earlier she barely spoke, and it broke my heart to see her like that. This is not the Rayna I need here, I want her to be back to her kind, amusing self.

I catch Finn's eye and nod my head at the kitchen. He stands up and I follow him in whilst Alexis and Mia gaze at us in confusion.

I close the door behind us and he leans against one of the counters.

'What's up?' He asks and I falter before speaking.

'I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Rayna for me,'

'I was planning on doing that anyway,' He says with a smirk.

'I know but...just make sure she's okay I-I don't want her upset,' I feel uncomfortable about asking him this and his face says he is silently judging me for it, 'I'm only trying to be a good friend,' I quickly bolt out and he raises an eyebrow.

'Sure you are,'

'What's that supposed to mean?' I ask defensively but I feel my cheeks heating.

'I never said it meant anything, but you are acting hightly suspicious,'

'Suspicious of what?' I snap though I'm not angry at him. It's directed more at myself for letting him make assumptions.

He narrows his eyes in mock curiosity before they widen and he audibly gasps.

'Hang on one minute,' He stalks over so he's standing directly in front of me, 'do you actually like Rayna?'

I take a step back in utter shock, my voice shaking slightly as I speak.

'You've got to be kidding, of course I don't!'

But he still stays with that stupid grin stuck to his face as if he thinks he knows something.

'Yeah okay,'

'Shut up, I don't feel anything for Rayna and I never will. She is my friend and that's it and if she can't handle that revelation then it's her own problem,' my unexplainable anger comes from absolutely no where but it deflates as soon as Finn's smile drops.

'Well that was harsh,' He states and glances nervously at the door just in case anyone heard.

'It wasn't harsh, it was the truth,'

But he simply shakes his head, seeming sad all of a sudden. Without another word, he leaves the room. I sigh in defeat but follow after him and note he's disappeared from the room. He must've gone upstairs.

'I think I'm going to get going,' I say, shutting the door as I leave the kitchen.

'Are you sure, you're welcome to stay for tea, Hayden,'

'No it's okay, my dad already has something on at home. Thank you though,'

'No problem,' She smiles and waits patiently whilst I slip my shoes on and gather my belongings. I give Mia a quick kiss and wave at my friends as I'm let out of the front door.

It's rather warm outside today and I stroll to where the gate is before turning back round to look at the window of the room Rayna is occupying. The curtains are already drawn much to my dismay though I can't say it wasn't expected.

I hate it when Rayna is hurt because whenever she is, it feels like I am too. I wish I knew what to say to her but I don't, I have no knowledge of the situation in terms of how she feels. My mum might not be here anymore but she always loved me.

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