Chapter 17 -Rayna

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'Pluie?' Evander stands at my door whilst I'm sorting out my hair. He fiddles with one of his cars in his hands and steps forwards hesitantly.

'What's up?' I ask him and he stands beside me, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

'Where are you going? I thought we were doing the party tonight,'

I sigh because I know I promised Evander about this. I feel bad for having to cancel but there's nothing I can do about it.

'I'm sorry Ev, can we rearrange? I'm having to go to this stupid dance,'

'You have to?'

'Yep, trust me I'm not looking forwards to it,'

He blinks and then smiles, wrapping his small arms around me in a hug. I ruffle his fluffy hair and he goes to do the same to me before reconsidering after he sees the effort I've put into it

'Don't worry, Rayna. We can do it again another time,'

I pin the last strand of my hair in place and grab the curlers, twisting it into the last curl. Evander studies me carefully and once I finally let the lock fall back into place, he points at his own head. I laugh lightly and curl a piece of his own hair, finding it cute at it bounces back and forth on his head. He pulls it forward and laughs when he sees it, holding it in his vision.

'Are you going with someone?' He asks, 'a boy?' He then presses, raising his eyebrows.

'Sadly,' I sigh.

'Why is that sad?'

'Because I don't want to go with the person who asked me,'

'Then why didn't you just say no?'

I pause for a moment, collecting my thoughts together. It would be difficult to explain this to someone as young as Evander.

'I wish I'd had the option,' I say simply instead. He nods at my answer and takes my hands, spinning me around slowly.

'I have such a beautiful sister,' He states and beams at me. His words encourage tears to spring my eyes, I haven't had anyone say that to me before. I pick him up and squeeze my eyes shut. Evander always tries to make me feel better and the majority of the time, he succeeds.

My house bell rings I place him down. He tugs on my hand, pulling me down stairs, he's more eager for me to go then I am even though I suppose it's not that difficult.

'Come on or you'll be late,' He cries. He doesn't even look where he's going and ends up colliding with my mother who must have just awoken from her afternoon nap. He looks up nervously and I push him to the side, directing him towards the door instead. She looks me up and down, narrowing her eyes at my appearance.

'Why are you dressed like that?' She asks, sounding more accusatory then questioning but I twirl around anyway, not letting her words faze me.

'I have a school dance tonight,'

'Surprised you actually decided to go,'

'And why is that?'

'They're not really your scene are they?'

As right as she is, I don't want to give her the satisfaction.

'Perhaps I've changed my mind. I want to go,'

'Could you perhaps wear something different then?'

'Excuse me?' My hands drop to my sides and I glance down at the dress I'm wearing. It's a pretty good dress to find at last minute and I actually thought it suited me. I know I shouldn't trust my mother's judgement yet at the same time, I care what she thinks. A lot.

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