Chapter 22 - Hayden

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'This is gonna be so good,' Mia grins at me and squeezes my arm even tighter. I half want to pull it away but then reconsider because I don't want to upset her.

'Yeah,' I say though I'm not really listening. The idea of a date with all four of us makes me cringe, I don't particularly want to do it at all.

I glance around to make sure Rayna's okay but can't see her anywhere. I frown and step back to see if she's wandered a little further down the hall. Nope, not there. I didn't even notice her leave and I don't think anyone else has either.

Mia seems to notice my shuffling around and she pokes me, trying to stop me. She smiles at Finn and Alexis, holding up her hand for them to give us a moment and they step back, involving themselves in their own conversation.

'What's the matter with you?' She demands.

'Do you know where Rayna's gone?'

Something in her expression changes, fury in her eyes as her hand grips around my wrist even tighter then before. When she speaks, her voice is strained and angry. This isn't the Mia I know.

'Why do you want to know that?' She hisses and I feel my eyes widen.

'Because she's my friend, is she okay?'

'She's fine, Hayden! Why the hell are you so obsessed with her well being?'

'I-I'm not!' I retaliate. I sound like I'm trying to persuade myself more then her, which I probably am.

'Prove it then, walk away and leave her alone for once,'

I stare at her helplessly but don't say anything. I don't want to get into an argument with Mia.

'Mia please,'

'No. Prove it to me,'

As much as I want to go after Rayna, I follow Mia's orders. I know there's a hint of truth in her words and I'm sure she's fine, I have to leave her alone. Rayna's probably sick of me constantly being around anyway so I suppose it's a win for both of us.

In defeat, I gently take Mia's hand and let her lead me away. The smile on her face looks proud as if she thinks she's achieved some sort of power kick because of this. If I'm not mistaken, I would've thought she's jealous of my friendship with Rayna. It explains her behaviour whenever she's around her or even when she's mentioned.

Mia stays with her hand locked to mine until I deliver her to her lesson. She wouldn't take no for an answer meaning I'll have to risk being late for my own class. Thankfully, she can't take long with her goodbyes since her teacher comes through and orders her inside, advising I should go myself.

I practically run to my class, stepping through the door just as the bell goes. I'm given a hasty scowl from my teacher but I shrug it off and scan the room for any available seats. To my surprise I see one next to Rayna and, without hesitation, I sit beside her. She looks up at me and momentarily smiles before looking down at her book. I know she isn't actually working especially when she begins to twirl her hair around her fingers. She's concentrating on something else instead and as much as I want to know what, I don't question her.


'Morning,' She repeats as though she isn't paying any attention. Finn is on her other side, being equally as silent whilst Alexis is the complete opposite. She's barely written anything down and is talking non stop. Every so often the other two will nod or shoot her a closed smile to indicate they're paying attention even though they aren't.

I nudge her with my shoulder and raise an eyebrow.

'What are we meant to be doing?' I asks and she leans over, grabbing my book from the table in front and placing it in front of me.

They Said My Life Was Perfect - Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang