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*Guy from spongebob voice* One Week Later

This past week my entire life has changed. I've gone from having no one to having the best family I could've asked for. I wouldn't exactly say it was good karma as I have never done anything to deserve what I have right now.

For the sake of simplicity I had decided to call Dan 'Dad' and Phil 'Papa'.

The entire week had been spent failing at school diy's and making a montage of me trying different back backs. After it all I had decided on a super cute blue Vera Bradley. After getting everything I would need to start at my new school they decided to take me clothes shopping.

Of coarse on the entire way to the store I complained I didn't need anything new. "Do we really need to make yet another shopping montage?" I ask, voice laced with sarcasm.

"ALWAYS!" Phil says pumping his arm in the air.

"See anything you want? If you say no we're gonna pick out the outfits and trust me you don't want that," says Dan. I put up my arms in protest.

"Fine, fine." We all walk over to a rack of T-shirts and I start flipping through them while Dan and Phil wander around like idiots. My eyes fall on a super adorable Galaxy shirt. I ended up trying it on along with black skinny jeans. I really liked the combo so that's what I decided on. After more dreadful shopping we decided to head home with like, 50 bags in tow.

When we get back I head to my room and start putting the new clothes in my closet and head downstairs.

"Um," I say as I enter the living room noticing the two having a fairly intense make-out session.

"OH" they both say pulling away blushing furiously sending me into a fit of laughter which makes them giggle as well. Like the spork that I am I Jump right in between.

"What movie shall we watch today!" asks Phil almost hitting Dan and myself in the face with his arms when he flings them out trying to exaggerate his point.

"Woah there lion," Says Dan grabbing Phil's arm and placing it down. Phil fakes a pout.

"Lets watch Mulan! I haven't seen it before."

"Mulan it is," Phil says flipping through the shows on Netflix finally finding it. "Okay you two start it without me while I get some take away for us.

"ooooh," exclaims Dan, "Get Pizza"

"I second that opinion," I add raising my hand.

"Okay fine you annoying potatoes," he shakes his head getting up to place the order. I lean on Dan trying to get comfortable. Phil shouts that he's leaving to pick up the food then the door slams.

Eventually in the movie Mulan decides to take her father's place in the war sneaking out with his armor. "Wow that brings back memories," I say.

"Of what?" questions Dan.

"Well I used to sneak out at like 3 in the morning because we weren't allowed to go places that often.

"You snuck out?! But you're room is on the second floor." stating the obvious.

"Haha, der." I say, "Thats why I had a rope ladder."

"Are you telling me that you climbed out of a second story window.....with a rope ladder!"

"Was that not clear?"

"You could've gotten stolen or something," he says with concern.

"Don't worry," I start, "I usually went to the McDonald's down the street."

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