Dear Daddy,

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As your added essay we would like you to write a letter to the person who has helped and influenced you most, throughout your life and educational career....

Dear Daniel Kendrickson (Daddy),

"You're a strong girl Daniela. Your mind is in the right place, and I know you have a genuine and loyal heart. You can be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, I know this. Don't allow anyone to shape your opinion of who you are, the world is at your fingertips. Fat face, I know it's hard. I know it's tough. I wish I could be there to pad all your falls like when I taught you to ride a bike, but I can't, I can only guide you in the right direction and let go of the seat. Hold on and peddle fast, you'll reach your destination soon. There will be some hills, and bumps, you may fall down, but get back up. I love you."

This was in the card that you gave to me. The Saturday after my first week of junior high, remember how I cried every night because I got teased? Daddy, you are a constant inspiration and reminder. Your kind words and wisdom have shown me that there is nothing impossible for me to achieve. Although you were taken from me earlier than expected, your time here was not spent in vein. I know now more than ever that everything you told me is truth, and in due time all things will fall into place. The values you instilled in me have guided and led me here. I have my associates degree and am on my way to a Bachelors. I have matured into a strong young woman and am loving for the first time. I'm taking chances, living well and laughing often. All things you told me to do. I would like to say thank you, for everything. Not just a stable home, and a privileged lifestyle. But the morals and values that you've instilled in Marcus and I, we know that you and mommy live through us and can only hope to be half of the man and woman that you guys were. It was sunny on graduation day. Were you smiling? I know you were, and I know you are and I intend to keep that smile that I share, stretched across your face as I learn to peddle through this journey called life. So, I have my helmet on, my elbow and knee pads. Feet steady on the peddles and hands clenched on the handlebars. No push needed, I can get going myself, but first I say thank you for teaching me how. I wobbled at first, but now I'm off at great speed and embracing every bump along the way. I love you daddy. Thank you so much.
Daniela (-_-) Fat Face

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