The scarred man hummed to himself as he thought it over, "I have an idea. How about you shut your mouth and listen to what I have to say or I'll snap her neck. How does that sound?"

Lucas' upper lip curled back like a feral animal, "What do you want?"

The toothless man laughed, hooting loudly, "Well he get's right to the point doesn't he? I like that, he'll make a fine king one day."

The scarred man shrugged, "Yeah maybe, but it doesn't look like he's going to make it much longer. I doubt he'll see next Spring."

"What do you want?" Lucas roared again, balling his fists.

"Don't be rude, we just want to talk." The scarred man informed. He paced back and forth across the hallway, watching Lucas closely, "So do you want to tell us why you're snitching on all the dealers?"

Lucas' mouth fell open I disbelief, sputtering for an answer, then he threw his hands into the air, "For the love of God, I am not the snitch. I don't know how many times I have to tell you people this. I am not the snitch!"

"Don't fuck with me Lucas!" The scarred man yelled. He pointed an accusing finger at Lucas, his muscles taunt in outrage, "Everyone says it's you. Fred swore on his life that you were the only one who could have told on him. People all over the state are convinced that our precious prince and heir to the throne is the one turning us in."

"I'm not!" Lucas snarled, "What could I possibly gain from turning in my father's dealers?"

The scarred man shrugged, "I don't know. I don't really care. But someone needs to take you out and since everyone else seems to be too scared, I guess it's going to be me."

"Give me a break." Lucas stalked closer, not enough for the scarred man to reach him but closer than need be, "If you don't get out of my house right now, I'm going to kill you and bathe in your fucking blood. I am not the snitch, no matter how many times you people accuse me otherwise. So collect your friends and leave."

"Or what?" Eyepatch asked from behind me, pulling my hair again to show Lucas how much power he held, "From what I hear, you're not doing too well these days."

"Which is yet another reason why the snitch couldn't possibly be me. I've been bedridden for the past week. I haven't even left the damn house." Lucas explained, his dark eyes focusing on the man behind me. If looks could kill, these three men would be gone with the wind.

The toothless guy snorted loudly, "And why would we trust you?"

"Again I ask, what would I gain out of lying?" Lucas looked back and forth between the three guys standing before him, "You don't have to believe me if you really don't want to but I'm only going to tell you fuckers this one more time. I am not the snitch. Now if you valued your lives at all, you'd leave before my father get's here."

If only I had made it to the balcony in time. Mr. Vasquez was probably far from the house by now though, everyone must be. Otherwise they would have heard my screams.

"Are you threatening me?" The scarred man raged, his voice rising yet again. Then in one quick move he jumped forward and swung at Lucas. But the scarred man was too slow. Lucas dodged his punch and landed one of his own tight between the man's ribs. The toothless guy approached to help his friend but Lucas clocked him across the cheek as well. Even in his weakened state, Lucas could kick ass. These guys didn't stand a chance.

"I'm going to make you pay one way or another." The scarred man declared, charging at Lucas again. This time Lucas couldn't dodge but he attacked the scarred man head on. When he was close enough, Lucas launched a fist into scarred man's face then spun around to deck the toothless guy as well. But even as he fought I saw his limbs slowing, like he was moving through molasses.

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