Proof eh?

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Proof. And this is my proof that YOU are the damn stalker!!
And I'll call it your my stalker

My classmate, is a very good singer
So what if you got a lot of records at smule?
No one's askin'

Your talking shits about my friend
I don't hate you
But I don't trust you

I don't know why
So don't ask
I'm only protecting
Fighting for my friend

Cause I don't like seeing people like that
You said that I should watch my mouth

But before I do that watch what your doing and talk to yourself of how damn stupid this is
Or what were you doing is

And I am only doing this cause if you think I'm mean
I'm just not
You never met me before missy

Did you even know what does stalker means?
Neither the slut means?
I think your didn't

Did you even go to school?
And your 20?
Oh please girl. I don't care
If you disrespect my friend I'll disrespect you

I'll respect you if you respect my friends
All I can say now is

I'm sorry if I didn't respect you
I only did that cause you got no respect on Celine

And I'm only saying my own opinion
I don't trust you but I don't hate you

So maybe I'll drop this subject
And just focus on my studies

Instead of ranting of all the things your saying about me
I'm not fighting back anymore

I had enough at school
I had enough of my aunt in abroad who is destroying my family
I had enough

Yeah. You heard me

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