Correction. IM NOT A YANDERE!?

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Ally: Okay okay. Celine I know you call me child or whatever. I don't know if Ama and others does too... just because they're older... (-_-)

Alistair: *shrugs* someone calls you senpai though

Flare: true fact

Sayuri: poor Ally

Ally: oh yeah....

Alistair: so... your a yangire?

Ally: um... maybe 50% yangire, 20% tsundere and 30% Kuudere

Flare: hm~ senpai~

Ally: (-_-||) Flare... no

Sayuri: my child!

Ally: STOP!

Alistair: Child!

Ally: that's it blah blah blah goodbye! I need to do something *cracks knuckles and waves goodbye*

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