Tag Again

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Ally: Tagged by Celine A.K.A CrazyFangirlInEarth, Here it is Celine. I was bored so yeah I did it now.
Alistair: you sure bout this? I mean... you we're c-


Flare: Ally... you were..

Ally: just.... don't say it.. I'll answer this questions then I'll get going.

Alistair and Flare: *sighs* Alright...

1.) Whats your full name?

Ally: Alyssa M. Abe

2.) How old are you?

Ally: I'm only 12

3.) Fangirl?

Ally: I.Am.Not.A.Fangirl

4.) where are you from?

Ally: Philippines...

5.) What's your sexuiality?

Ally: I'm straight as a ruler.

6.) Obsession?

Ally: *shrugs*

7.) Best friend/s?

Ally: *sighs* I have a lot... but... I'm not in the mood to write it..gomene...

8.) Relationship status?

Ally: I.Am.Not.In.The.Mood

9.) Crushing?

Ally: I'm skipping this...

10.) Is it a girl or a boy?
Ally: boy of course and I tag no one cause I'm sure it's going back. I'm not in the mood for anything else. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get going.

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