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Ally: a freakin' tag from Celine..... (-_-||) why?

Alistair: pfft....poor you

Ally: (-_-||) don't annoy me... oh wait, since I have Alistair, Sayuri and Flare...they're going to answer this questions too (^-^)

Alistair: WHAT!?

Sayuri: I'm okay with it. I guess

Flare: Yay~! (Fluttershy: I'm so mad that I could just scream!?

Dash: do it!

Fluttershy: *inhales* Yay~!
[XD this thing really happened XD])

Ally: then let's go answer it. And don't be such a baby Alistair.

Alistair: BUT-

Ally: no. Now before the questions the rules are.

•Post this in any available book of yours.

•You must tag 13 people (Sorry I follow the rules. I'm not a rule breaker here. Except the last time that a tag that supposed to be done in a week ^-^")

•Answer the 13 questions that has been given to you and make a 13 questions to the 13 people you tagged.

•You can't skip this.

•Put up the rules.

1 week deadline.

•Follow the rules.

Ally: now the questions

Alistair: god dammit....do I have to?

Ally: that's the 50th time and Yes

Sayuri: he seriously asked that like 50x while she's putting up the rules

Flare: *shrugs* he don't like tags

1.) Your most hated character?

4 of us: none

2.) Am I your senpai or kouhai?

Ally: ...

Alistair: um....

Sayuri: maybe kouhai..

Flare: uh.... senpai?

3.) What would you do if your anime crush comes out of the screen and kissed your forehead?

Ally: O/////O

Alistair: maybe....I'll stay silent?

Sayuri: h'm... faint?

Flare: fangirl? Oh and Ally what's yours?

Ally: uh...w-well...um...S-Skip this question for me...

4.) No family or no friends?

Ally: I'll go with no friends... at least I can make new friends but you can't change who's your family is.

The 3: Hey! You took our lines!

Ally: Whatever.

5.) A world full of zombies or a world full of ghouls?

Ally: .... *burns question 5* that's the most stupid question I've ever heard in my entire life.

Alistair: *sweatdrop* I guess we'll go with a world full of demons.

Flare and Sayuri: *nods*

6.) What would you nick name me?

Ally: h'm... maybe this *points at the picture below*

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