Okay. here's what you wanted nya~

25 3 5

Ally: okay Dito_15 hehehe. if thats not it hmm....I got more to show you guys.

Suzuno: s-stop with this things already ...

Fubuki: *running around being chased by gouenji* AAHH!! ZOMBIE!! *screams*

Alistair: Ally. i think you should stop. you midht make the readers faint.

Flare: yeah Ally you should.

Sayuri: well you already made others a little scared but your not stopping?

Ally: its fun! im sure!! so just sit back and watch it!

~After the video~

Ally: done~!

IE cast: *fainted*

Alistair: wow....

Flare: the animations cool

Sayuri: it is

Ally: see? and here's another one

A.N- guys tomorrow at my place there will be some tinny tiny problems...so i cant update the new book...i can do it after the electricity is back up. it starts at 6am until 6pm its really long...but i got no choice but to go down and just play...gomenasai minna

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