Our Visit

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I grabbed a few of Chris's things, only the bare minimal but still something. When I pulled up to the hospital I was so worried and confused. I never was given a honest answer as to why he was sent here.

When I get to check in, the lady behind the desk names Ramona, asked me some questions, ID checked me and had me sit as she called up to Chris's room.

I finally got up there a good 45 minutes later. I didn't want to rush into questions, but he was asleep anyway. I did ask the doctor who came in what happened and, apparently, Chris had an attempted suicide. If I didn't call when I did I could have lost the most important thing in my life.

Chris woke up around 1 and didn't say much. I took off work and told them the minimal circumstances.

When he decided to speak the first thing he said to me was " I thought you loved me, I thought you would think about how I felt and not just you. My life may soon be ending and you're the one getting angry?"

I looked back on what happened and just started to cry. I lied in bed next to him and we stayed like that for what felt like forever. And I would stay just like that for as long as possible.  

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