The Last Days

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He laced our fingers tightly and his eyes started to water. I could already tell what he had to tell me. Chris told me he had brain cancer and the he only had two months to live.

I balled my eyes out and couldn't say anything, so I just left him in the kitchen. I couldn't think and he wouldn't move. We both needed time to think.

When I returned to the living area, he wasn't there. I checked the clock and it was already 10:00 pm. I went to the bathroom, spare room, and kitchen. I couldn't find him I started to panic.

I dialed his cell and it went straight  to voice mail. I called so many more times but still no answer. By now it' was 11:07. And my panic got worse and worse as the seconds ticked past. I decided to go willth the last resort and call the police.

After two rings, I got an officer asking what my problem was. I told him what was going on and said he would get someone out right now to find him.

I couldn't sleep until I got a call around 1 am saying they had some bad news. They found Chris, but not how I imagined.

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