"Oh my God!" Lisa yells, rushing into Paris' room. "MICHAEL, SHE'S GONE!" she screams, crying hysterically.

Dad runs in the room after her and looks out the window, looking shaken up and scared. "Call the police, now!" he yells to me.

I run downstairs and grab the telephone, hearing Lisa and Dad scream, cry and panic from upstairs, my hands shaking as I dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the woman asks.

"Y-Yes, please help me," I say, trying to speak properly, "my little sister has been kidnapped! Someone threw a rock into her bedroom window with a threatening note on it, and when I look out the window a car speeds off as quickly as possible!" I breathe heavily.

"Okay sweetheart calm down, I need you to calm down for me, please state your name and address."

"A-Allison Jackson, 5225 Figueroa Mountain Road, Los Olivos."

"What the hell do you mean until tomorrow?" Lisa shouts at the police officer, bobbing a crying Prince up and down, frustrated with their work on finding Paris.

"Look, ma'am, these things happen-"

She cuts him off, "If I hear one more time that "these things happen" I swear to God I will fucking-"

"Lisa honey, stop," Dad interrupts. "It's not good for the baby." He rubs her stomach, leading her to the couch.

"Just please, help us find our daughter," says Dad.

The policeman sighs. "Sir like I said, these cases take time, but I promise we're doing everything we can to find your daughter."

"Well, what about the note?" I ask, handing him the threat sticky-note that was attached to the rock.

He examines it and nods. "We'll figure it out sooner than you'd expect. In the meantime, try to stay calm, lock your doors, we'll be checking in on you from time to time," he says.

The little buzzer speaker thingy on his shirt goes off. "I promise Mr and Mrs Jackson, we'll find her," he says, taking the picture of Paris from Dad and walking out.

"How the fuck are we supposed to stay calm until whenever the hell it could be until she's found?" Lisa screeches, standing up.

"Lisa, please-" Dad begins.

"No, you please, Michael. I just want my baby back," she says with a sob, crying again. Dad embraces her and they cry together.

"I know," he wipes his eyes, "I know, I do too."

Tears shed from my eyes as well and I wipe them away. I look over at Prince and he starts to cry as well. I think he knows his sister is missing. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

Somehow, my mind keeps going back to Kyle. There's only so much I remember of him, but at the same time, I can rule out whenever I feel like he would do something like this. The only question is, how did he manage to jump the gate and collect Paris so smoothly?

"It's Kyle," I suddenly say. It feels weird coming off the tongue,

since I haven't spoken his name in years.

"W-What?" Dad asks.

"I know it's him. Think about it, the note says "payback is a bitch" what else could that mean? Who else would be trying to get payback?"

Dad shakes his head. "But, payback for what?" he asks.

"I don't know! Maybe from taking me away from him, jealousy, spite, closure?"

the moment i saw you cry ☾ michael jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now