Chapter 20

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Oh, man. I have a boyfriend. What've I set myself up for?

He's the cutest boy ever, inside and out, but he gets moody real fast, too. He literally wouldn't talk to me for a whole two days because I said he sucked at meme collecting.

What in the world made me think going out with Percy was a good idea?

He just got broken up with! Maybe I'm his rebound! That sure would suck seeing as I have actual feelings for him.

Okay, no. Maybe this relationship wasn't doomed. Maybe he was exactly what I needed.

And hopefully I was what he needed too.


"Stop it, di Angelo." Percy laughed lightly, his cheeks colouring as he still tried to do homework.

"C'mon, Perce, you've got ages to do that homework." I smirked lightly as Percy looked up to the screen. "Do me instead."

"You're so gay, oh my- wait."

I laughed. "How's it feel, Jackson? To be in a relationship with a homosexual?"

Percy put a hand to his chest dramatically. "I don't even know how to feel."

"Sucks to be you." I smiled brightly and shrugged.

"You won't be saying that when I'm sucking your-"

I nearly fell off my chair as I interrupted him. "Perseus Jackson! Did you just say you were going to suck my woonie?"

"What? If you can be dirty so can I. Plus, it's not like I'm being dirty to a stranger, you're my boyfriend." Percy smiled at me innocently.

Okay, that smile went straight to my pants, I am not going to lie. He looked so fucking good smiling like that.

"You better watch it, Jackson." I teased playfully. "Or I'll be doing the exact same to you."

Percy winked. "I should hope so."

Oh, boy. He was amazing. I couldn't have scored higher with him.

I let Percy get on with his homework for a while as I thought. Should I ask him if I was just a rebound?

No, no. That would sound insensitive. I didn't want him to think I didn't trust him, because I did. I trusted that he wouldn't hurt me like that. If he did, well...he wouldn't be the Percy Jackson I know.

"Hey, Perce?" I said softly.

Percy looked up from his work. "Mhm?"

"Does this feel different?" I asked.

Percy frowned lightly. "What do you mean?"

"Like, as in," I licked my lips subconsciously, trying to find the right words to describe what I was trying to say, "does this feel any different to when we were just friends?"

Percy stayed quiet for a moment, looking thoughtful as he looked back down and bit his pen lid. Then he looked back up to me and smiled. "Yes, it does."

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Percy blushed, and I smiled. "Care to elaborate?"

"It doesn't feel different as in a bad different, just so you know," He started, and I felt myself relax at his words, "we still act the same and I'm glad, I like our friendship's dynamic. But a relationship feels better, more natural. I don't have anything to hide from you because the only thing I was hiding before was how I felt, and I don't have to hide that now 'cause you're my boyfriend. Plus, you're a lot more...confident, now we're together. I like that." He finished with a shy smile.

"So...I'm not just a rebound?" My voice was tentative. It didn't sound like me at all.

"No, you're not." Percy's voice was gentle, reassuring. I felt calmer just hearing him, let alone listening to his words. "You're so much more than that, Nico."

My heart did a backflip at his words. His simple, beautiful words. He could draw out a tidal wave of emotions from my chest with just a look, and his words could bring a hurricane.

I didn't want to know what his touch could bring.

I suddenly felt a flash of jealousy of those who'd ever had the privilege to pass this beautiful human in the street. To brush his arm or catch a glimpse of his mesmerising eyes. Why couldn't I have grown up in New York?

"Thank you." I said with a small smile.

Percy smiled back at me warmly. "You're welcome."


Needless to say, I smiled all the way through the day. And it seemed people noticed. People being my dad.

"What's got you all bright and bubbly today then?" He asked from the other couch, eyeing me suspiciously from over his laptop.

"Nothing." I hummed, looking over to him with a grin.

"There's gotta be something," Dad said as he went back to typing, "I haven't seen you smile like that since you found out Walmart put on a 50% off sale on all boxes of poparts. "

"That was a good day," I sighed.

Dad glanced up at me with a sort of look you'd see on those 'wtf' reaction images from Twitter. "It's like you've got a constant supply of happiness all of a sudden."

I nodded. "His names Percy."

Dad's 'wtf' look melted into one of shock. "A boy? Are you two dating?"

"Mhm." I smiled. "He's great."

"Woah, woah, backtrack. You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell your father?" Dad had a look of utter betrayal written all over his face now. It was funny to see.

I chuckled. "Dad, I don't have to tell you everything."

"Yes you do!" Dad threw his hands in the air. "You're my son, Nico! I thought we were friends!"

"We are, Dad." I said reassuringly. "Don't worry, you're the first one I've told."

"I better be." He grumbled and sunk back into the couch. "So, anyway. Tell me more about this boyfriend of yours."

"His full names Perseus Jackson," I smiled just thinking about him. "He's amazing, Dad. He's one of Hazel's friends."

"Really?" Dad raised an eyebrow. "She allowed you to date one of her friends?"

"Well, no. Not exactly. I'm sort of not sure if they know each other yet but it's highly likely."

Dad rolled his eyes. "Of course."


hello my dudes it's ella here

i got my braces done!! (yes the pictures off snapchat and yes it is ugly but shhh)

i got my braces done!! (yes the pictures off snapchat and yes it is ugly but shhh)

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it hurts so badly omfg i swear to god it's like period cramps for your teeth

anywho,, how are you guys?? all good?? have you eaten and showered and drank today?? if not go do my friend go do

alright pals, that's all i really gotta say, see you later lol ilysmmm <33

-Ella xxx

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