Chapter 14

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Hazel was going home today. As upsetting as it was, knowing I wouldn't see her again for another few months, I was happy to see her go. I knew she got bored here easily without her friends back in New York.

Oh, yeah. I was also fairly convinced 'friends' included Percy too. It all added up, he's got a swim meet soon, she's going to a swim meet to watch one of her friends? It had to be him. Or even if they didn't know each other, it had to be the same swim meet they were attending. I was half tempted to get on the plane with her and go myself.

Yes, I know what you're all thinking, 'Nico, dumbass, why don't you just ask her?'

Well, don't you think it would seem slightly odd when your very unsocial older brother asks about one of your friends, especially one he has never met or - supposedly - even heard of?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Plus, I wasn't about to expose Percy by giving one of his possible friends the knowledge of him being on Tumblr, where coming across gay sex on your dash is as about as ordinary as a toothbrush.

Speaking of Percy, actually, I hadn't heard from him in like, three days. The last time he spoke to me he was saying something about his stepdad taking him out.

I didn't get why Percy was so adamant on his mom not remarrying. His stepdad seemed like a nice guy, a lot like my sort of stepmom, Persephone. I say sort of because her and my dad are just dating, as far as I know.

I know Percy never met his dad, so that rules out him wanting his birth parents to get back together. Unless...that's exactly what he wants. For his parents to reconcile. To meet his dad.

Maybe. I wasn't gonna ask him such a personal question when I barely knew the guy.

I am, however, going to ask him where the hell he's been. I missed him, he's good company.


"Text me when you land. Remember, you've got chips and candy in your carry on because plane food is awful-"

"Dad, you told me this in the car." Hazel giggled as she leaned up and kissed our dad on the cheek. "I'll remember."

I was stood to the side with her carry on bag. Dad seemed to be tearing up so I wanted to give him some space.

After hugging Dad for a solid minute, Hazel finally turned to me. She smiled at me with watery eyes, "bye, big brother."

I grinned at her as put the bag on the floor and pulled her into a hug. She buried her face into my chest.

"Have a safe flight, kid." I kissed the crown of her head. "I'll see you....when I next see you."

Hazel pulled away with a sniffle and a faint laugh. "See you later, Neeks."

I picked the bag back up and handed it to her, ruffling her hair as she turned to walk towards the terminal. She gave us one last smile, waved, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Dad slung an arm around my shoulder. "She's growing up so fast."

"Dad, she's fifteen. She's a teenager." I raised an eyebrow as I smiled up at my Dad, who was busy looking through the crowd in an attempt to locate Hazel again.

"I know." He said. "But she's still my little girl."



"Percy! Where the hell have you been? Three days, man- wait, are you crying?" My eyes widened in surprise as I heard muffled cries come from the other side of the line.

"No." Percy sniffled. "sorry, I-I had stuff to do."

"Percy," My voice had softened as soon as I realised he was hurting. "You're stuttering. And crying."

"Am not." Came his weak reply.

"FaceTime me then. If you're not crying, your face won't be all red and blotchy, will it?"

The line was quiet, until he whispered, "no.."

He cut the call. A moment later my phone was vibrating against my cheek and a request to FaceTime was popping up, so I slid the bar to accept as I sat down on my desk chair and balanced my phone against a pile of school books.

He looked even worse than I'd pictured. His hair was all mussed up, which I would find wildly attractive if it hadn't have been for the tears streaming down his tired looking face. His usually beautiful eyes were tinged red and puffy.

"Talk to me, Jackson," I pleaded softly. "what happened?"

"Annabeth." He hiccuped. "We broke up."

"Oh, God." I was at a loss for words. "I'm so sorry, man."

He shook his head. "You don't have to be. It's because she's going to college in another state."

Oh, God. She didn't even cheat. There was no love lost at all. Distance of all things was keeping him from being with the girl he loves. Now that...that was the true tragedy.

"Percy," My voice was barely above a whisper. "I....I-"

"You don't have to say anything, Nico." His voice was taut with suppressed emotions. "It really fucking hurts. I wish you were here."

That hurt. That really, really fucking hurt. Because he just voiced exactly what I was thinking.

"I wish I was with you too." I looked down.

His body shook. My heart clenched. I hated everything about this situation. He shouldn't be hurting about this.

"Listen, Perce," I started again, licking my lips as I searched for the right words, "you know...I'm gonna go to New York one day."

Percy looked up, his face conveying a subtle hint of confusion through the veil of anguish draped across his features. "What?"

"I'm gonna go to you." I balled my hands into fists under my desk. "This...this is just temporary. One day I'm gonna give you the best bro hug ever."

Okay, that hurt too. Percy didn't feel like a bro to me. He felt like something, but not a bro.

Percy laughed half heartedly. "Thanks, Nico."




ME AND nopety_nope ARE AS FUCK

(if you don't know what's going on check their instagram and twitter)


hello guys!! how are we all?? good i hope?? move into my dm and tell me abt ur day

writing this made me really really wanna write a proper high school au lol i spent like fifteen minutes just imagining all the possibilities ;) 

alrighty pals that's all from me lol i'll see you guys next chapter <3

-Ella xx

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