Fight the Dead.

641 31 16

Your point of view.... (Sorry! I've been forgetting to write that. ;-;)

I moved Kenya's head away from my lap. I set down her head, I felt so angry. 'Why would she do this? I tried saving her and she didn't say shit!' I grunted angrily under my breath. 'What if she was trying to kill me? That is nonsense, (y/n), snap out of it, she is dead know anyway. Not your problem anymore.' I walked by the front doors of the pharmacy, I looked outside to see a huge heard of walkers. I take in a deep breath, I have a huge lump in my throat.  There is about 3 dozen walkers. I slowly walk backwards, hoping they wont see me. I can't take them all out.
I look over at my bag and slowly walk to it. Every step might lead to kill me. Those doors aren't secure, I need to secure them. I look around and stuff my bag with the first aid kit and some medicine and whatever else I could get in arms reach. I stand back up and walk backwards, I tired to grab my bag but I tripped over myself and hit into one of the cases holding the supplies and it feel over.
CRASH! The walkers heard it and opened the door. "Shit!" I yelped and I got up and started to run around the store. Some of the walkers to Kenya's dead body, but many was still after me. "Fuck, my bag!" I said out loud. 'I can't get to it now.' I thought to myself and I run to the back and I jump over the counter, pushing all the cases of medicine over. I turn around to see walkers pile onto each other, trying to get over the counter. I turn back around and I see a door. "Oh thank God." I said out loud yet again.
I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I started to scatter around, looking for a key. I looked over, seeing a board with paper hooked on to it. I run over there and start to rip the pages out, seeing if there is any keys. I heard a clank hit the ground. I look down to see keys, I look over at the walkers and one got over the counter. I quickly grab the keys and run to the door. The first key wouldn't fit. Second key, didn't fit either, when I was grabbing the third key, the walker grabbed my arm. "Shit!" I started to kick it's knees in, it didn't budge, this was a strong walker. I start to feel around for my knife. Dammit, it is with my bag. I tried my hardest to push the walker off. I dug my finger's in it's eyes and it started to get stronger it seemed, but in reality, I was getting weaker. I pulled my fingers out of it's eyes, one stuck on to my finger, I puked in the walker mouth and I finally pushed it off. It collapsed on the ground and I got the 3 keys between my fingers. As  the walker tried to get up, I pinned it's shoulders to the ground with my knees and began stabbing it in his head. Punch after punch, it's head started to flatten. I stopped after 10 punches as I saw three walkers coming up to me. I picked up the dead walker and tried to throw it at them. It bought me some time and I  quickly quickly grab the third key, putting it through the key hole and unlocked the door. I quickly take out the key and shut it tightly behind me. My heart was racing as I locked the door and sliding  my back down it, breathing heavily. "Jesus." I mumbled to myself.
''Hello, (y/n)."

I Can Survive On My Own. (Carl Grimes x Reader) >COMPLETED< ~EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now