Chapter 11

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Abigail's POV
I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the white room. I sat up quickly only to have Nick's arms wrap around me. "Oh my god you're okay." He said holding onto me tightly. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. "Nick. I'm fine." I said softly and he nodded against me and held me tightly to him. "I was so worried." He said quietly and I pulled back and looked at all the wires and needles in my arms. "Nick?" I asked quietly as my ears went back and I looked down at the needles panicked. "Hey. Abigail, calm down it's okay." He said softly grabbing my paw and tightly squeezing. "You're going to be okay, those are giving you all your nutritional needs." He said smiling softly at me. I nodded softly as I looked down at all the IVs sticking out of me. I laid back on the bed as the doctor walked in. "You seem to be doing extremely well. We will take a few more tests to see how everything is going, if all goes well you will be out of here as soon as possible." He said patting my leg softly and I nodded. He turned to walk out the room and smiled, "you know, if he wouldn't have carried you in here you wouldn't have made it." He said before walking out and I turned to look at Nick. "You saved me?" I asked and he nodded his head and kissed the top of my paw. "I would do anything for you sweetheart." He said and I smiled at him. I heard a knock on the door and my ears shot up. Just stood at the doorway with some flowers in her paws. She smoked softly at me before walking in, "I'm so sorry." She said was she walked over to me and I shook my head. "Judy don't be." I said siting hk and looking at her, "But I want to apologize for not believing you." She said setting the flowers down and grabbed my paws. "I mean it from the bottom of my heart." She said as I smiled at her. "It's okay Judy. They said I'll be okay." I said and she hugged me tightly. "You look way better, I'm glad you're getting better." She said smiling and letting go of me. Nick smiled at the both of us. Nick grabbed the both of us and wrapped us into a tight hug. I smiled at the warmth I had missed so much. All those days alone, dark, and cold. All those moments were being replaced with light, warmth, and hope. And I was enjoying every minute of it. I was overwhelmed to be back with the people I love, and the people who love me just as much as I love them. We were a team and we were ready to take on anything that came out way. Even finding the wolf that started this all and putting him behind bars once and for all.

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