Chapter Seven

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We both stared down at the map, and I wrote down the coordinates. "So she should be there?" Nick asked and I nodded. "We should walk. That way they don't see us." He said and I nodded. I went to walk out the door and he grabbed my paw, "Abigail, I'm worried about you." He said quietly and I smiled softly. He rested his other paw against my face and I leaned against him. "Nick we're going to be okay." I said and he rubbed my face softly. "Shouldn't we call for back up?" He asked and I shook my head. "Judy is in trouble, we can't risk losing anymore time." I said and he nodded. "Let's go." He said as he walked about the door and locked if behind him. I followed him out the apartment and we looked down the streets. The streets were beginning to get less crowded as the night approached. Nick grabbed my
paw and lead me down the side walk. "Nick, do you think she'll be okay?" I asked quietly and Nick looked down at me. "Yeah, I think she'll be okay." He said and I nodded. We walked down past the station and past the old warehouse. We walked a few more blocks before stopping a few blocks away from another abandoned building. "You think she's there?" Nick asked as we hide on the side of another building and I nodded. We watched as a car drove past and wolves climbed out. I watched in horror as Judy was pushed out the car, she was escorted into the building and Victor followed. "Nick, we need to get in there." I said and he nodded. We walked in the back allies behind the buildings and we found an open window. Nick opened it quickly and climbed through it quietly. I followed behind him and he caught me in his arms. We quietly walked through the building, it was empty and I looked out the window. "They're all outside right now." I said as Nick opened a door and ran inside. "Carrots." He said running up to Judy and I followed. He untied Judy and she began to cry, "Oh my god, you guys." She said wrapping her arms around the both of us. "We need to go." I said quickly helping her up. Nick opened the door and we ran back to the window. Nick climbed through and I pushed Judy up. Nick grabbed her and quickly reached for my paw, but someone else had grabbed me from behind. "Nick!" I screamed and a paw flew over my mouth. I thrashed violently against the animal holding me. "Go ahead Nick. Save her." My eyes widened at the voice. Victor had me. "Nick go!" I said as the tears flowed down my cheeks. Nick paused, "Nick. Go." I said and he turned around and climbed through the window. Judy and him disappearing into the night. "My, my, my! Look who I have here!" Victor said from behind me as he turned me around to face him. "I always did like you more then Judy, Abigail." He said and I thrashed in his arms. He laughed and slammed me against a wall, my head hit the wall hard and my vision blurred. "Nighty night." Victor said as he kissed my cheek. "Nick can't save you now." Was the last thing I heard before conscious slipped from my control.

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