Chapter Six

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"Nick!" I screamed running down the hallways, I ran into his chest and he caught me. "Abigail, what's wrong?" He asked and I steadied my breathing. "Look what I found in Victor's locker! It's Judy's phone." I said handing him the phone and he stared down at it. "She never leaves this." He said and I nodded. "I know we need to find her." I said walking out the station and climbing into my car. "We need to get back to my apartment and I need to map everything out." I said and Nick nodded climbing into the passenger seat. We drove back to our apartment and I didn't look at Judy's door. I quickly opened my door and cleared the table. I pulled out my map of Zootopia and marked all the places that the deaths had happened. I stared at the mad and tapped my foot. "Abigail, you okay?" Nick asked hugging me from behind. "No Nick. I'm not." I said and he rested his head on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay." He said as I stared at the map, "I promise." He said again and I titled my head. "NICK!" I screamed pointing at the different coordinates. "Nick! Look! It's a pattern!" I said and Nick looked at the map confused. "No, look. All the coordinates of the attack end in a five. See?" I asked pointing and he nodded. "That means he should have Judy somewhere around here!" I pointed and Nick nodded. "So? Let's go." He said and I stopped. "Nick, do not move." I said patiently and he stood still. "Why?" He asked quietly and I stared at the small red dot on his chest. "Just don't move." I said and Judy's phone rang. Nick and I looked at the phone and I grabbed it.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"If I were you I would forget everything you just said." A voice said back coldly.
"Who is this?"
"The person who currently has their gun pointed at your boyfriend. Don't bother looking around sweetheart."
"I know who your leader is."
"And I know that you're at you're house with your boyfriend standing less than three feet from you."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Bosses orders."
I looked at Nick and quickly tackled him to the ground, I heard a gun shot and I remained on the ground with Nick. "What the hell just happened?!" Nick asked and I looked around. "Someone is watching us." I said and Nick looked around. I waited until the gun shots stopped and I crawled around on the ground and Nick followed me. I flipped our table and grabbed the map, we both sat behind the table as protection. "They know where we live. They know our plan Nick." I said quietly and he embraced me. "Sweetheart, calm down it's going to be okay." He said as he rubbed my back softly. "She's out there Nick, they have her." I said and he nodded. "Now what?" I asked quietly and he continued to rub my back. "They don't know where I live. We can stay there." He said and he stood up, holding his paw out for me. I grabbed it and he helped me up. My apartment was destroyed, holes where everywhere. Nick lead me out the apartment and I still held onto the map and I grabbed Judy's phone. "We should walk." He said and I nodded. It was getting dark so we stayed walking in the dark. Once we reached Nick's apartment I lied on the couch. "We're safe." He said looking around his apartment, "I have things to get us through days, if we need food we can order takeout." He said and I nodded. He threw a sweatshirt at me, "Here, you should change and relax." He said and I nodded. I stood up and walked into the bathroom, I changed and put on the sweatshirt. I walked out and hugged Nick from behind. "Thank you, for everything." I said and he turned around. "I told you I would keep you safe. Now, let's find Judy." He said and I nodded laying the map out on the table. 

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