Chapter Four

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I studied the footage quietly, nothing had happened the days before except one can drove past the building a few times. I watched the footage from the day of the crime, the same van pulled up and I wrote the license plate number down. "L8R35Y". I watched the clip as a couple of wolves jumped out the van and opened the side door. The badger was taken out the car with a sack on his head. Then they walked inside. I watched intently as the wolves walked back out and climbed back into the van. A knock on my door made me jump and Nick sat up quickly. Judy and Victor walked in, Judy handed me all the recordings in their bags. I thanked them and Nick walked over to look at all the recordings. "How's it going darling?" He asked rubbing his eyes and sitting on a chair in front of my desk. "Stressful." I said as I looked at the recordings, "Yeah. It appears that way." He said and another knock happened followed by our forensic scientist walking in. "Sorry Ms. Vixen for the intrusion but the fur results came back in." The pig said as he placed the results on my desk. "In fact different results came in. Must've been an escape route." He said as he walked out of my office. I looked at all the files and stared at one in disbelief. "Nick, we need to get Victor back in here. Can you go get him?" I asked and Nick nodded. Nick walked out the room and returned with Victor, Judy followed. "Victor, have a seat." I said as he sat in front of me. "What can I do for you?" He asked and I stared at him, "Well, I want to know why your fur happens to be on the crime scene. It's 100% match. Why is that?" I asked and Victor stared at me. "Maybe it's because I was literally there with you not even that long ago." He said and I took out the files. "How come your fur matches up with the escape route? You didn't go through the window, you also didn't touch anything. Why is it there?" I asked and he looked at Judy. "Abigail, Victor was with me. In fact he woke me up saying Chief needed us there." She said and I stared at her in disbelief. "Judy, since when do you not trust evidence?" I asked and she shrugged. "Since you made my boyfriend the accused." She said coldly and Nick stepped in, "Hey, hey, hey. Abigail is doing her job, which is more than I can say for you. All you've been doing is hanging out him." Nick said and Judy scoffed. "Really? Considering you two have been dating for way longer than me." She said and I stood up. "Well Judy, who's actually been trying to solve cases? Who's actually got information and leads?" I asked and she looked away. "Let's go Judy" Victor said standing up and grabbing her paw. She turned around and followed him out the door. I sat down in my chair and I felt the tears stinging my eyes. Nick walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, he kissed the top of my head. "Hey, it's going to be okay." He said softly as he gently rocked me. "If she chooses him over you, that's her loss." He said quietly and I wiped my eyes with the back of my paw. "We're gonna figure this out darling. Don't worry." He said quietly and he picked me up. He brought me over to the couch and laid me down. "Just get some rest. Please. For me." He said walking over to the small table in the corner of the room and opening the drawer and grabbing a blanket. He laid the blanket over me and I snuggled against if. "Goodnight." He said kissing me gently. "I'll look at the cameras and listen to the recordings. I'll take notes for you to read in the morning." He said as he kissed me softly again. I closed my eyes at the soft contact. "Thank you. For everything." I said softly once he pulled away, "Don't mention it. I love you." He said walking over to my desk and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I watched her as she closed her eyes and snuggled against the blankets. I smiled to myself once she was fully asleep and looked at the computer screen. I opened the footage and watched quietly, the wolves jumped out the ram and I switched cameras to look at the ally between the buildings. Sure enough, there was two wolves climbing in through the window. Both wearing a hood. I watched as one looked around and looked at the camera, he didn't see the camera but it saw him. I saved the picture of his face and watched the rest of the film. After a while all the wolves came out through the window and I saved different pictures that showed their faces. I stared at the computer when a familiar face flashed across the screen. "Holy crap. She was right."

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