"Be careful, Miss Parkinson. The quill is mightier than the wand."

Draco slipped his hand inside his open robes, finding the pocket he had sewn there. He didn't think Skeeter would attack Pansy, but he wanted to be prepared.

Obviously, Pansy hadn't meant to betray him. She'd just been too stupid to understand the ramifications of her actions. He felt a brief pang of jealousy for Black and her group of friends. Potter and the Weasels may not have been the smartest, but they were at least intelligent enough to bring plans to Black or Lovegood before they acted on their own.

Luckily Crabbe and Goyle never had ideas.

Now he had to team up with Black to clean up this mess Pansy made. His father was probably already on a warpath at the Daily Prophet.

And his mother...

She was likely already picking out wedding colors.

Obviously it wasn't Pansy being quoted in the article. He wondered who it was. He needed to find that out.

"True, but I can use words just as well as you Skeeter. One letter to my father and you'll be in terrible trouble for being an illegal animagus. Not to mention all of the future spying possibilities you'll miss out on."

"Now, Miss Parkinson, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. There's no need to reveal that."

"There's no need if you stop this nonsense and recant this article."

"Is that the only deal you'll take?"


"Fine, I'll recant the article and find other things to sell papers. Now, did you bring me any information?"

"Yes, it turns out Zabini's mother is on the look out for a new husband. And she still has a current one. Blaise said..."

Draco tuned her out and moved back to the statue of the warlock. He didn't believe Skeeter. And that meant he had to catch her.

He pulled out a sturdy glass jar he'd just charmed today. She had to be a very small animagus to get into the dungeons undetected. So he was guessing some kind of insect or a rodent.

Unless she was a giant rat she'd fit in the jar.

Merlin, Pansy was possibly a bigger idiot than the Weasels if she believed Skeeter would give in so easily. She had to have something up her sleeve. Perhaps some dirt on Pansy's father. Maybe he even knew Skeeter was an illegal animagus and it was more useful to keep the secret than keep his daughter happy.

He knew all about parents picking others over you.

His father had missed his eleventh birthday, the last one he had at home, to meet with Fudge for dinner. His mother had been livid.

But his mother was now doing it too. Honestly, did she really think Black deserved him? He freely admitted she was a talented witch, and she was a Black more than a mud-. His thoughts froze, he wondered if thinking the word counted.

Better to be safe than sorry.

She was more of a Black than a muggleborn, but that didn't mean it was acceptable for a Malfoy to marry her. After all, their motto was Tourjours Pur. Always Pure.

The Brightest Black - A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now