Luck of the Draw >> Sam Winchester X Reader

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"Boys," Bobby addresses them, "This is ________. She's in town for the same job. Sent in by Ash, would you believe it?"

The cheeseburger-eating man smiles. "Hi. I'm Dean," he greets you with a mouthful. "You look too pretty to be a hunter."

"Quit it Dean, looks aren't every-," the other man looks up at you, and is startled at your appearance. "Sorry. I - I'm Sam. Hi."

Bobby chuckles, and patting your back, goes off toward the bar. "I'll leave you to the greetings and stuff," he huffs.

Dean shuffles over, and grabs a seat from a nearby table. "So, where do you know Bobby from? Old friends?" he prompts you. Slowly, you take a seat, but at once, the smell of the cheeseburger perpetrated your thoughts with the tell-tale feeling of a vision coming on. Not now, you whisper internally.

"I was a sales assistant turned hunter," you smile at Sam, who seems to have a hot flush taking over his face, it's quite rosy. "Bobby trained me up and got me connections to the Roadhouse and a couple of other hunters." you smile. "So, from what I gather, you two are the famous Winchesters?"

Dean chuckles. "Well, darling-,"

"Yeah, I guess we are. We're just doing our jobs, and trying to make the world a safer place." Sam interrupts his brother, "I mean, isn't that what all hunters work for?"

You take a deep breath, and gaze into Sam's eyes. "I think I like you, Sam Winchester."

A week later, and four skin-changers put to rest later, you found yourself standing by the side of Sam's car, hand on the bonnet. And, unlike many other hunts, you can't manage to get the words of farewell out and drive away into the sunset in your pickup. The taller man approaches you, and before his mouth opens, everything turns black.

A vision.

Your hand is warmed by another hand, one that is not yours for a change. You had not felt this secure since...since the passing of your fiancé. But here you are, and looking up, the person keeping your fingers Sam Winchester.

"I know you said we spent it all on the wedding, but I had a backup bank account," he starts off, pulling the car over in the middle of the street, in amidst houses in the suburbs, "...this is my present to you, _______, my beautiful wife."

You glance away from his beautiful eyes, to see a green house, complete with a garden -

"________! Are you okay?" Sam is holding, kneeling down like you had just been a limp sack of potatoes. "You just...went out like a light!"

You rub your face, nodding. "Please don't hurt me for this, but I get visions, of the future." you admit. Never had you admitted that before with any other hunter. But from what you just saw...

Sam's eyes widen. "I used to get those," he blurted out.

You chuckle. "We match!"

Sam smiles. "Well, before you went out cold, I was going to ask if you wanted to trade phone numbers to keep in touch, but now...I want to make sure you don't black out driving."

You blush. "You don't have to - it's not like that it would be the first time for that. But I would love your phone number. And possibly a kiss for the road. Two?"

From the other side of the car, Dean chuckles. "Keep this girl, Sammy."

The house is quiet, and for once, that isn't terrifying. It's quiet because for once, there aren't the sound of gunshots reverberating in your ear, or the sound of footsteps that aren't made by a creeping creature you have to kill on sight. No. You are right where your vision predicted: in safety. In love. In paradise on earth.

You are on the lounge, reading quietly. Across your lap, lies Sam; he's been quiet lithe, slow, like a normal tall American, and not a Veteran for a war nobody knew existed. He reads the same book you are, head tilted to read the pages at the same rate you are. If you had thought your life with your passed previous fiancé had been perfect, you had been sorely mistaken.

This was perfect.

"Sam?" you whisper, glancing down at your husband.

He hadn't spoken for a while; whenever the pair of you did this sort of thing, he would complain at your slow reading. But instead of staring at you with his adorable pout, his gorgeous eyes, they are closed, his chest rising and falling with every sleepy breath he takes.

"I freaking love you, Sam Winchester."

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