Operation: Save the Stone!

Start from the beginning

Harry stopped short, making us stop as well. "Wait a minute," he said. "He's..." -Fluffy's breath blew the cloak right off us- "...snoring."

My eyes widened as I remembered something Hagrid had mentioned earlier today. "Of course!Remember what Hagrid said about Fluffy? 'Play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep'!" I silently exclaimed.

Harry looked at me. "You're right, sis," he agreed. He glanced at the harp. "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp..."

We edged closer to the giant dog.

"Ugh...it's got horrible breath," Ron complained, making me roll my eyes. We advanced even closer to the dog, and saw it had a paw on top of the trapdoor, blocking it.

"We have to move its paw," Harry said.

Ron paled. "What?!" he protested.

"Come on," Harry and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled, trying hard not to laugh.

The four of us got closer and pushed Fluffy's paw off the trapdoor.

"I'll go first," Harry volunteered, "Don't follow until I give you a sign. If something bad happens, get yourselves out." He paused. "Does it seem a bit...quiet to you?" he asked us.

I listened for a moment and realized something- I couldn't hear the harp anymore. "The harp..."

"It stopped playing," Hermione added, as if she'd read my mind.

Fluffy drooled on Ron's shoulder. Ron looked at it and had this totally-grossed-out look on his face. "Ugh...yuck!" he exclaimed.

"Trust me, Ron. The drool's the least of our problems," I said, looking up. The others followed my gaze to see Fluffy looming over us, growling and baring his teeth. Uh oh...

"Jump!" Harry yelled. I jumped in first, Harry following close behind me. We landed beside each other on a weird plant. Hermione landed to my right, followed by a screaming Ron.

"Whoa. Lucky this plant thing's here, really," Ron commented.

Suddenly the plant started moving.

"Whoa!" Harry exclaimed, nearly jumping out of his skin. The plant coiled itself around Harry's legs, and it squeezed my arms tightly. I squirmed, trying to get away, but my legs and torso were quickly bound as well. So were Ron and Hermione. The more we moved, the tighter the plant bound us.

Hermione froze. "Stop moving, all of you!" she ordered us, "This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it'll only kill you faster!"

"Kill us faster? Oh, NOW I can relax!" Ron snapped, continuing to fight against the Snare.

Hermione remained still, and the coils wrapped around her loosened, causing her to fall through the floor.

"Hermione!" we all yelled.

"Now what are we gonna do?" Ron wailed.

"Just relax!" we heard Hermione saying from underneath us.

"Hermione, where are you?" Harry asked.

"Do what I say! Trust me!" Hermione shouted.

Harry shut his eyes tight and stopped moving. The snare loosened its grip on him. I did the same, and the snare let us both go.

"Ahh! Harry! Cassia!" Ron shouted as we fell through the snare and onto a hard floor.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked, helping us both up.

Twin Power *Cedric Diggory Love Story* (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now