Eleven||M e s s a g e M a n

709 37 22

TW: tiny bit of a trigger towards the end! Description of the stabbing/blood etc-nothing big really tbh

   The sound of only a clock ticking could be heard. Josh and I both sat down in the chairs of the lobby of a police station. I glanced over at Josh, he seemed way more of a mess than me. He bounced his leg up and down as he looked down, his eyes closed like he was waiting for someone to run up to him and smack him.

I wasn't sure if it was going to be me getting it worse from my parents, than he was from his brother.

I felt numb. My mind was going in circles over and over again to the same few thoughts that wandered my head. I couldn't process what just happened. He stabbed himself, meaning he wanted to leave-for good- or was planning on doing it anyway. That surely meant he was like us right? My eyes were puffy and my tear stained cheeks just about said what I was feeling right now.

How many other people in my school are like me or him? Why didn't no one come forward? They saw that Josh and I were both different, why didn't someone come forward and stand up for us? How could a human emotion cause so much hatred?

  "Tyler Joseph!" I heard a familiar scream echo from the front doors. I shot my head up, only to find my parents storming towards me. Josh kept his head down, flinching at the screaming. I gulped down my anxiety, wanting so badly to grab onto Josh's hand and tell him that it was going to be okay.

"Where the hell have you been!? We've been worried sick!" My mom cried out, running towards me as she wrapped her arms around my chest. My eyes widened as I stared back up at my dad, who had his arms crossed in fury, he was staring right at Josh. "M-mom I-"

"Is this the boy who you ran away with, hm!? Is this the boy causing you so much trouble!?" My dad yelled, causing Josh to shoot his head up.

"N-no dad." I choked out, pushing my mom away gently. She now stood up, heart break on her face as she now looked over at josh, her eyes swelling with more tears as she realized he had red hair. "Are you the boy who decides to take my son hm!? ARE YOU THE ONE INFLUENCING THIS?!" He screamed louder, now stepping closer to Josh.

I grew with anger. How could he do this!? How could he assume that it was all Josh just because of how he looked. "No, because it was all me!" I yelled out, now standing up in anger. My dad stood back, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at me. "I-I decided to continue to sneak out to Josh's, I-I've been seeing him, but you know what?" I scoffed, unsure of what to say. All I did was glance at Josh's face, which was soaked in terror and fear right now.

I stared back at my parents. My moms eyes were swelled with tears as she stood behind my dad, almost like she was scared or something. My dad stood there with his fists beside him, like he was about to punch me or something.

"J-josh has made me into such a better person...h-he's shown me that it's okay to be different, that I'm not alone in this!" I yelled, watching as the words fell from my mouth. Looking back at Josh now, his eyes were glossy, like he wanted to cry at any moment now. The urge from hugging him stayed in my chest, as i shot my head back at my parents. They both had the most serious faces on, intimidating me even farther.

"H-he's made me happy...he's made me feel something that Ive never had before, ever...don't you want that?" My voice began to break as I felt tears in my eyes, about to continue on before I was interrupted by the sudden stern mutter of Josh's name.

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