Nine||P o l a r i z e

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A/N: Trigger warning: Minor suicide mention/death, FLUFF towards the end ;)

The room was dark. It seemed too dark to be Josh's room, too quiet even. No sound of breathing, no sound of anything. There was no movement, no light...nothing. I instantly felt goosebumps spread through my body, rolling down my spine and arms.

I felt uneasy, the knot in my stomach expanding by every second I lied in the pitch black room. Leaning up, my body felt heavy, My chest felt heavy and it felt like extra work just to lean up on my elbows. The sudden vision of a tree appeared, immediately confusing me. Where the hell was I? Did something happen and someone kicked me out?

I knew this tree...a familiar tire swing swaying from the thick tree branch. I couldn't make that knot in my throat and stomach disappear, it stayed there, almost like it was mocking me somehow. I couldn't feel anything. There was no wind, yet the tire swing was gently swinging.

"Josh?" I called out, my words appearing to echo into the black abyss. I simply couldn't gain the strength to stand up. I felt weak yet my body felt so heavy, like something was holding me down. "Josh!?" I yelled again, this time my voice in a much more concerning tone. I was scared.

  What if something happened to Josh? Where was I? Was I Kidnapped in the middle of the night? Suddenly, the tree appeared farther away. It looked so...small? I attempted to stand up, or roll, or crawl or anything just to get to that tree, yet there was a heavy force pushed against me.

  A figure began to appear from the tree. The figure appeared to be standing on the branch, something was tied to its neck. My eyes widen as I watched the figure stand there. "Josh!" I yelled out again, much louder. I didn't think I knew the figure, until the familiar color of red appeared and I soon noticed it was Josh standing on the tree branch.

  "Josh!!" I screamed out, trying with all I could to stand up, yet I couldn't. My scream felt quieter and I felt paralyzed. My eyes watched in terror as Josh placed one foot off the branch. I could feel tears swelling in my eyes and I was screaming so loud, yet he couldn't hear. My scream was beginning to become nothing. My breath felt more quieter and weaker and something was pushing down on me harder.

  I continued to attempt to scream, to try to get something out. Something. Opening my mouth again, yet this time a black hand had made its way around, grasping hard onto my mouth. "Sh, sh, sh...he can't hear you."

My eyes seemed to widen even more as I realized the voice didn't belong to Blurryface nor anyone I knew. It belonged to me...I could hear myself speak. soon realizing  the hand was not a shadow, yet covered in some type of black paint, leading into a darker abyss behind me that I could no longer see.

The tears began to rush down as I watched Josh stand with one foot on the branch, with a noose around his neck.

"Do you see what's going to happen to him?"

I tried to pick my arms up to push the hand away, yet I was paralyzed. The tears felt hot against my cheeks and the hand didn't help.

"Face it's going to all. Fall. Down."

And just like that, Josh stepped off of the branch. I lurched my body forward, screaming out as I felt the hand disappear from my mouth.

My eyes opened as fast as they could and my heart was beating too fast. Clutching onto my tank top and chest, I lean up, the sobs escaping my mouth and the warm tears gushing down my cheeks. The sudden movement of a body startled me, causing me to jump as my heart beat faster. "Tyler? Are you okay?" Asked Josh, immediately lunging up from the bed to grab onto my shoulder.

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