Eight||D o u b t

851 46 45

A/N: This chapter is literally  just fluff :)

      "So, your dad broke your phone?" Josh asked, his voice sounding quiet and soft from the headphones connecting to my laptop. I nodded, glancing towards the door and then back at the night sky. "I think he forgot about my laptop honestly." I whispered. "Why haven't we thought about this before? Ya know, skyping." Josh mentioned, his face leaning on his hand as he leaned up on his elbow.

I shrugged, "I really don't know." Sighing, I glance at the time, 12:20am. Since Josh and I were both suspended for five days, we had no way to contact each other. I was basically held under house arrest, my dad and mom constantly checking in on me and even making me eat in my bedroom. Honestly, I didn't mind, I never really ate the food anyway. Even Blurryface had been watching me, not leaving my sight once.

"I don't understand why they would give us suspension actually; It's more like giving us a reward and break more than a punishment." Laughed Josh, his smile appearing. I scoffed, "True." My smile soon disappeared as the camera focused on his face even further. His bruise had returned around his eye, this time looking worse. He even had scratches on his face yet I had no idea what they were from.

"I wish I was there." I breathed out, adjusting the laptop on my bed as I brought the comforter up to my face. Josh seemed to do the same, now lying down on his pillow as I could clearly see his face. His red hair drooped down a bit, his brown eyes were big and the screen seemed to reflect off in them. I could clearly see the little crinkles his eyes formed when he smiled.

Josh sighed, grabbing onto his pillow with one hand, "You will in two days!" He laughed, smiling again. I couldn't help but smile back, watching as his eyes flickered close, "Hey Tyler?" His voice now ringing out much softer and quieter. "Yeah?" I asked, watching as he kept his eyes close while talking in a low tone. "Can you sing to me?" My mouth seemed to gape open a bit as I heard his request. I chuckled, "y-yeah...what do you want me to sing?" I now gripped onto my pillow in the same way he was. "Anything you've written lately..." he requested, his voice even softer and quieter.

I took a deep breath and thought, something I have been working on, actually inspired by Josh.

"Scared of my own image, scared of my own immaturity."

I sang out softly, watching as Josh's eyes were open again, watching me. "Scared of my own ceiling, scared I'll die of uncertainty. Fear might be the death of me, fear leads to anxiety, Don't know what's inside of me."

Taking a deep breath, i continue softly, "Don't forget abooouutt me, don't forget abouutt me, even when I doubt you...I'm no good without you...no, no..." I sang slowly and softly, watching as Josh's eyes slowly closed. I chuckled, stopping and taking a moment to look at him. "Goodnight Josh..." I whispered, slowly closing my eyes to the sound of Josh's quiet breathing and snoring over taking my headphones.


I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of happiness today. It was Saturday. Tonight I would be at Josh's. I'd get to hug him and sleep next to him and talk to him face to face and hold his hand. I was getting way ahead of myself, yet I was way too excited.

I couldn't raise my hopes too high though, just in case something happened or I couldn't sneak out or josh confessed he had a girlfriend or something. I had to secretly pack and secretly do it all without my parents questioning. It was only for two days and only about fifteen minutes away, Yet my parents didn't know that, and there was no way I could tell them now.

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