Seven||T h e J u d g e

Start from the beginning

I always felt safe with Josh around, had no idea why really, yet while walking through the hallways I did not feel safe at all. The hallways were always packed during passing time, people at lockers, hanging at lockers, people walking by, shoving, cat-calling, it was a lot to handle. And it wasn't a safe place for offstates like us, yet everyone has just decided to ignore me now, I must've gotten boring.

Now with Josh being the new kid in school, with bright red dyed hair and an entire complexion that screamed Offstate, it was like fresh meat for the jocks. Everything has gone okay so far, just laughter and yelling names at us as we passed by.

We were halfway to our next class. My mind was locked in my thoughts and my eyes were locked onto the floor. Never made any eye contact in this school anymore, except for Josh of course. Suddenly I bumped into Josh's back, my eyes just noticing that he had stopped walking. I looked up now, about to ask what he was doing but then realized three guys stood in front of him now. Oh no.

The three guys that laughed at us everyday. The Three guys that used to make my life hell. "Hey look it's the two weirdos together awe!" Shouted one, I think his name was Dylan, the one with a similar hairstyle to mine, now walking closer towards Josh.

I sighed now tugging on Joshs uniform as I tried to whisper in his ear. "Josh, let's go." Suddenly he shook his arm loosing from my grip and one of the guys walked towards me. "Awe look it's the one that everyone forgot...even your family has already forgotten about you." He laughed, trapping me against the wall now. He had a shaved head, brown, and his eyes were a dark green color. I knew his name, Mikey.

"Leave him alone." Muttered Josh, looking at Dylan with a dark look. The boy laughed, now leaning off of me and now towards josh as the two guys now surrounded him. "Awe look he's standing up for his boyfriend!" Shouted the one with blonde hair with blue eyes standing behind josh. That one was Charlie.

"Whatcha gonna do...fag?" Muttered Dylan, now standing in his face. Josh sighed, staring down at the ground as the man suddenly punched his arm up into Josh's gut. "No!" I shouted, now lunging forward but a strong arm held me against the wall. I watched as josh groaned out in pain as he fell to the ground, his books now scattering across the floor. It reminded me of the times I came into this school, the sudden realization that I was different.

A circle of students had developed around us, everyone screaming and cheering for the jocks, of course. "Fight! Fight! Fight! KICK HIS ASS!" Some of them yelled.

"Josh!" I yelled, struggling to move against the boys strong arm that was holding me back. He sat kneeled on the ground until Dylan pulled josh up by his uniform collar. "let him go!" I screamed out, pushing as hard as I could against the boys arm. Never have I gotten so defensive or angry at anyone. I didn't even stand up for myself when I was getting beat. There was just a sudden hurt feeling that boiled my blood and moved up all of my bones.

It ached my heart to watch Josh be beaten down just because of who he is. I forever wished I had someone else there when I was getting beat. Josh groaned out as he raised his head now, the boy holding him up and suddenly he raised his fist and punched josh straight in the face. "STOP!" I screamed, now scratching at the boys arm. Mikey, who was holding me against the wall, turned to look at me and now held me up similar to Joshes position. "Shut the fuck up and watch your little boyfriend suffer for your mistakes." He gritted, holding me tighter. I gasped for air as he held his arm tightly against my chest.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I watched Josh begin to bleed from his nose and the swollen bruise begin to form under his eye as the man punched him once more. The blood was just a bit darker than his hair color, the hair color that made him so different but beautiful. Dylan let josh go. Josh fell to the floor as he groaned in pain. The bruise forming under his eye reminded me of the night I saw him. The bruise under his eye that he said was just from tripping. What if it was from these guys? What if they've been torturing him outside of school!?

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