One||H e a v y d i r t y s o u l

Start from the beginning

I shut my door loudly, not even caring if it was too loud. I could no longer trick Blurryface into thinking I wasn't alone again. I already tried everything I could at this point to trick him or get rid of him, but I soon realized it was completely useless.

I leaned against the smooth wood taking in a deep breath, taking a moment to take in my surroundings. My room was dark, and cold, The only light shining in from the window on the other side. Streaks of moonlight shown in from the blinds giving the room a blue tint. I quietly walked over to my bed, still wanting to keep Blurryface away for as long as I could.

In a moment like this, I find myself lost. What do I do? I really didn't want to get stuck in my own thoughts again, but what else could I do? I could grab my laptop and scroll down tumblr endlessly for an hour, but I didn't always see much fun in it.

Suddenly I felt cold air on my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine. Startled at the moment, my eyes widening and my breath hitching for a minute. I turned around to see the one face I tried to avoid. "What do you want?" I mumbled out, turning my head away from the dark figure again and towards the floor again, trying my best to ignore his prescience.

"What!? I can't drop by to say hello to my friend?" I groaned at the way he said friend. Like he was just throwing around the word as something simple. I scoffed, "You're not even near considered a friend to me." I didn't look up or behind me at all, instead I stared down at my dark brown wooden floor watching as the rays of lights slowly moved as it shined against the wood.

I could hear his soft chuckle of laughter from behind me, making me feel the most uncomfortable I have ever.

"Oh Tyler, you know you have no other friends right!? That I am the closest thing to a friend you will ever have." He smirked out.
I shakily breathed thinking about it. He was right in a way. He was the only person, or thing, to be close to me. But I realized the reason I had no friends was because of him.
It angered me even deeper to hear him spat out those words. How dare he consider me a friend when he's basically destroyed my life!

"You're the reason I don't even have friends anymore so shut the hell up and leave me alone!" I yelled, my hands falling into my face. To be completely honest it wasn't totally blurryfaces fault. I didn't like to make attachments. I didn't like the feeling of disappointing more people. Besides, everyone was normal, who would want to be friends with an offstate? Yet Whenever I did care enough to talk to Blurryface I tried to keep it quiet not wanting to upset my mom or siblings. The amount of days I've been caught 'talking to myself' in my room or the constant yelling.

Usually when I got angry with Blurryface he always tried to find ways to irritate me further, usually laughing or messing around with me even more, but this time he actually disappeared. I quickly glanced behind me, furrowing my eyebrows as I stare at the spot he once sat in. I was confused in where he had gone, but at the same relieved. He was gone and I would take all time I could get without him.

Although, he could've gone inside my head as a thought or simple just became invisible, as he had the ability to do that. I didn't always like the feeling of him suddenly disappearing, especially when I was alone as an easy target. It made me feel uneasy, unaware of what could happen.

I always put pressure on myself about the mixed feelings I had about Blurryface. Of course I hated him, but some of my thoughts didn't match up with it. Maybe at this point I was just desperate to have someone, or Ive just gotten used to having a darkness by my side the entire time.

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