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None other than fucking Mario Götze is standing right in front of me with his familiar 'I know everything' kind of smile.

But very soon the smile drops and he starts to look at me through his eyelashes. His eyes lock to my dirty blondish hair and his eyebrows furrow. Damn it.

I decide to open my mouth before him. "Mario, what are you doing here?" I try not to sound mean but I know I couldn't hide my annoyance well enough. After all, I'm a bit annoyed that he just showed up here when I specifically told him I wasn't feeling well.

He rolls his eyes at my question before answering. "I came to see you of course. Now can I come in or not?"

I hesitantly let him in and limb right behind him to the living room. He sets himself comfortably on my couch and looks at me.

"Why did you come? I told you that I wasn't feeling well." I ask him and he lets out a little laugh. I can't help but to raise my eyebrows as if I was asking him: 'what the hell you laughing at?'

"You seriously thought that I'd believe that? It's like the oldest trick in the book buddy. Your little white lie fooled the others but it made me suspicious. You should've known that I wouldn't take it seriously. I know you Marco."

"Well I'm not feeling well and now you have a proof right in front of your own eyes." I try to prove him that I was speaking the truth but if I know Mario at all, I know that he won't buy my lie. Well, technically it wasn't a lie. I just didn't specifically tell him what is the "real" reason behind it.

"Bullshit. You do look like a mess but I still don't believe that you're feeling ill. I mean you wouldn't let your hair look like that even if you were ill. You'd still wash it and keep it clean." The way he raises his eyebrows after proving his point makes me kind of angry. Damn, why he has to know me so well?

"So tell me mate..." He makes sure that I'm looking him in the eyes before continuing. "...What's bothering you?"

I turn my head to the other way and curse in my mind. I mean what the fuck am I going to tell him? I don't want to tell the whole truth, not yet that is.
So I decide to twist my explanation a little bit.

"I have problems in my personal life. Me and Lena had some problems so we broke up and then this injury is kind of tiring."

"You and Lena broke up! When? And what problems? Mate, why didn't you tell me?" The look on Mario's face is hilarious. His eyes are wide open and he looks so shocked. His mouth seriously dropped open and I swear I have never seen him look like this.

I furrow my eyebrows and try to make him see that I don't want to talk about it now. It still bothers me a lot and I'd still like to think it and wrap my head around the fact that I am, in fact, a single guy now.

But Mario ain't having my lame excuse of a message. He just slightly shakes his head. "Marco buddy. Tell about it to me, maybe it'll all feel better then. I can see you're hurting mate, I really can!" He looks a bit frustrated and the way he moves his hands to my direction as if he tries to prove his point, makes me frustrated too.

I mean yeah, I have been thinking about taking a break from football and I've been a bit tired over the past few days but it's nothing too serious. Mario makes it seem like such a big deal when in reality, it isn't.

"Mario, there's nothing to tell. We just went downhill and then we broke up. Well, she broke up with me but that's not the point. It just feels weird to be single after three years, you know. And then this injury is sort of tiring me out, it's so boring to just watch TV and lay on the couch everyday because seriously, that's all I have been doing these past few days."

A sigh leaves my mouth after my long ramble and then I look at Mario. He looks like he's deep in thought but then suddenly a smile creeps on his face. A smile that can't mean anything good, not to me at least.

"Well in that case, now it's even better that I came to see you. If you need something to do then I have exactly the perfect idea of what we will do."

I raise my eyebrows as I wait for the end of the sentence.

"Did you know that today is Eric's birthday party?"

And whoops, there it was. The thing I specifically didn't want to hear and the place where I specifically didn't want to go.

Erik Durm's birthday party.

Hey everyone.
Their meeting is getting closer and I couldn't be more exited hehe!
I'm so sorry that this chapter was so short, the next one will be longer I promise 🙌
But anyways, I hope you're liking the story so far!
Please comment something and thank you for the votes. You guys are so sweet :)

Until next chapter loves

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