"You can go continue playing with Noelle, okay?" I smiled, gently slapping his bum as he got off the sofa and ran to play with Noelle.

"I wasn't expecting that," Joe whispered as Noah went to play.

"I wasn't either," I agreed.

"I don't care what he does, within reason, of course, as long as he's happy," Joe smiled.

"I agree," I nodded.


"I'm so excited," I grinned as Joe vlogged us getting ready to go to our ultrasound today.

"Mummy, why can't we come?" Noah begged.

"I promise we'll tell you everything, but you need to stay home right now, okay?"

"Okay," Noah pouted.

The kids played with Sydney as Joe and I left to make sure we got to the appointment on time.

"I'm excited to see how the baby is," I grinned.

"Me too," Joe smiled happily, focusing on the road.

Once arriving, we checked-in and waited for the nurse to call us in for the ultrasound.

"Minx Sugg," The nurse smiled.

Joe and I got up and followed her into the back as she prepared the ultrasound for the doctor to come in.

"You're only nine weeks along?" She asked.

"Yeah, almost," I nodded.

"Wow, okay. Here, I'll prepare everything for the doctor, and he'll be right in," She nodded.

I thanked her before she left the room.

"What does 'wow' mean?" I asked Joe.

"I don't know. Remember though with Noah, your belly was bigger at first because he was growing so big," Joe shrugged.

"Yeah, okay," I nodded.

The doctor then came in.

"Hello Mrs. Sugg, and Mr. Sugg?"

"Hi," We grinned.

"Nine weeks along, already, wow," He smiled.

"Yeah," I grinned.

"Okay, let's have a look around," He nodded, putting on the warm gel and rubbing it around with the ultrasound control.

He looked at everything for a minute.

"Uhm, okay," He said.


"We're you aware that you are pregnant with twins?" He smiled.

"What?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yup there are two babies, one right here, and one right here, fraternal twins," He explained.

"Why- What? What about the last ultrasound?!"

"Yeah, I don't know. That's why I asked, because on your record, it was put down that there was only one baby," He shrugged, "But there's definitely two."

"Oh my God," I laughed, "I told you not to jinx it!" I laughed to Joe.

"Hey, I was just making the kids happy," Joe laughed.

"They both look healthy though," He nodded.

"Good," Joe smiled, "So that's why your belly is big."

"Shut up," I laughed.

The doctor printed off the ultrasound pictures and gave us some before we headed on our way.

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