Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.
Selena was sitting in her room drawing something when there was a knock on the door.
"Coming." Selena said, putting it down and opening the door to Chase.
"Happy one year anniversary." Chase said, holding a bouquet of roses.
"Where did you find nightshade roses? They aren't even in season." Selena asked in disbelief.
"I was on a mission when I saw them on the edge of a cliff. And you are always sketching them. So I completed the mission and picked them up on my way back. However, they are covered in thorns." Chase said, showing Selena his hands witch were covered in scratches.
"Thank you so much." Selena said kissing Chase on the cheek and carefully putting the roses in a vase.
"You're welcome." Chase said.
"You do know that nightshade roses thorns are poisonous, right?" Selena asked.
"Yeah. Luckily Mr. Davenport was able to extract the poison before any of the toxins kicked in." Chase said.
"Here is your anniversary present, but be careful, it's fragile." Selena said.
Chase opened it carefully.
It was a picture of them at the graduation after party.
"That was the day you made me realize you would always be there for me, no matter what." Selena said.
"Who took this picture?" Chase asked.
"Don't you remember? That was also the day Mr. Davenport was finally ok with us dating, he took the picture." Selena said.
"I don't know what to say." Chase said.
"Yes, Adam is photo bombing us." Selena said.
"No, thank you." Chase smiled.
"You're welcome, Chasey." Selena said.
"So, what are you working on?" Chase said.
"Nothing, just a sketch of something, but it's not very good." Selena said.
"Let me see it." Chase said.
"No!" Selena exclaimed as Chase picked up the paper.
"Why do you have a drawing of Gisele's lab?" Chase asked.
"I've been having these crazy dreams about her lab and.... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Selena said.
"It's ok Selena, have you had any details?" Chase asked.
"Yeah. Someone is strapped down to a table and Gisele and someone else, I don't know who it is but I know it's a male, are basically being annoying and the only thing the person who is strapped down says is." All this technology and you couldn't give him a sense of humor app?" Selena said.
"Selena, there is nothing to worry about. That has already happened. I'm the person strapped down. You're having dreams about when Gisele and her android Troy were planning to rip out my chip." Chase said.
"Chase, I am so sorry for bringing it up." Selena said.
"It's fine, you might want to talk to Mr. Davenport about it because it might mean something. But it doesn't bother me anymore." Chase said.
"Are you sure?" Selena asked.
"Yes, I'm sure. Come downstairs, you'll be late for class." Chase said.
"Coming." Selena said, crumbling the drawing, throwing it into the waste basket and following Chase.
"Selena, enemy grenade... 3:00!" Chase yelled, throwing a ball at her.
Selena turned on her force field and kicked it out of the way.... and hitting Chase in the nose, knocking him to the ground.
"Oh my gosh. Chase I am so sorry, are you ok?" Selena asked, helping him up.
"Well, I know now that you might need a little help with coordination, but I'm fine." Chase said rubbing his nose.
"Let me, like, try." Nicki said.
Selena backed away.
"Enemy grenade....... 9:00!" Chase yelled, throwing the ball.
Nicki turned on her force field and kicked the ball into the garbage can.
"Good job. The extra training is paying off." Chase said.
"All thanks to, like, you." Nicki said walking off.
"Selena, are you ok?" Chase asked putting a arm around her.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Selena asked.
"Because you were able to do advanced exercises two weeks ago, and now you can't even do the easier exercises. What's wrong?" Chase asked.
"I'm just a little homesick and really stressed. I haven't seen my family for almost two years and it's kind of hard to focus on training." Selena said.
"Are you gonna be ok?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, I have to go now." Selena said leaving the training area.
Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo's room.
Chase was sitting on the couch when Bree came in the room.
"Hey, you ok?" Bree asked.
"I'm worried about Selena, she's been really stressed lately." Chase said.
"Do you know why?" Bree asked.
"She hasn't seen her family since Krane found her." Chase said.
"Normally I don't care about your problems, but Selena is my friend also. So I'm gonna help you. But we might need a last name." Bree said.
"I'll try to find out her last name." Chase said.
"Good. Let me know when you find out." Bree said, picking up her magazine and screaming.
"What's wrong?" Chase asked.
"Nick Jonas and his girlfriend are having relationship problems!" Bree exclaimed.
Chase rolled his eyes and left what had become fan girl central.
"Today's class is how to handle interrogations. If you get captured and you're captors are doing a interrogation and you can't tell them where your team is. These are separate interrogations. So Bree and I will be interrogating you one at a time and Adam and Mr. Davenport will also be interrogating you so be ready." Chase said.
The classes nodded.
"Selena, you first." Bree said.
"Aden, come with us." Adam said.
The two students followed them into confined rooms.
"So Selena, do you have any accomplices?" Bree asked.
"No, it's just me." Selena said.
"We know you're lying." Chase said.
"What's your full name?" Bree asked.
"Selena Jeanette Martins." Selena said.
"Lies! Your middle name is Rachel." Chase said.
"You know, it might not have been the best idea to have my boyfriend interrogate me." Selena said.
"You know, she has a point." Bree said.
"Bree." Chase said.
"Selena, what is your last name?" Bree asked.
"I told you my real last name. Martins." Selena said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Chase said.
"The last name is Martins. We just have to see if we can track down any relatives." Chase said.
"Have fun tracking them down. There are probably a ton of Martins in the USA." Bree said.
"I got that." Chase said.
Just then, Selena came in the room.
"Ok Chase, what is going on?" Selena demanded.
"We're playing a game, we type in a random last name and try to find everyone with that name in the U.S." Bree said.
"Chasey, is she lying?" Selena asked.
"No." Chase said not making eye contact with her.
"Why aren't you looking at me? Are you lying?" Selena asked.
"No." Chase said.
Just then Selena's text alert went off.
She looked at her phone and groaned.
"You only win this round because I have to get Adam out of the pipes. Again. Trust me, it's really nasty." Selena said, super speeding off and closing the door.
Chase directed his attention back to the computer.
"Where is Selena from?" Bree asked.
"L.A. California." Chase said.
"What have you found?" Bree asked.
"Ok, they live in a pretty nice apartment." Chase said.
"You get Selena to go with you, alright?" Bree asked.
"Got it." Chase said, bookmarking the location and turning off his computer.
Here is chapter 1!
Thanks to Cinderellatessy1 for making my trailer!
Over and out.

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