Training starts

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I did a bunch of exercise normal things push up sit up bit on top of my back was a huge rock.

And then dodging his kicks and punches which I didn't and I failed many times but I kept going

"Your pathetic " he kept saying. What I can see he's not a real good teacher but I can't complain. I can't give up. My life was normal human hunter living with dad but things took a dangerous turn and I became a spirit warrior out of no where but it destiny mark on my DNA. And now I have to practice and train and maybe be able save the world.

I got punched in ribs "stop spacing out" that son of bitch.

Witch wasn't it good enough but I have more I transformed into a werewolf but still human maybe the super sense I could do a bit of more damage well least some damage

I jumped in air high up as high as the tall tree. I will take revenge on Axel on Rachel on Andrew and jinx. We began fighting I was right I could see the his punches and kicks I punched him in face as hard as I could. I heard a chuckle "was that best you could do " he looked at me and punch me in cheek and I went crashing to ground making a huge crater, what has my cheek ever done to you ah.  Fuck it hurts but calculating what I seen his moves are legendary and he's not holding back well he kind of is . From what I had seen I have only at least a second to dodge his attack and that's why I was only able to punch once and it wasn't good enough. I ran out of energy from all of his attack I dodge and by the time I punched him it wasn't good enough

He came down and stomped on my head "you are useless " he said and he went inside.

I could hardly stand and my body gave up on me and releasing all the pain it was holding back. I tried to stand but failed and it was when finally did it, it's was night by that time. I transformed into a human. I stood up straight.  I can't heal myself without using to much energy I ran out but its slowly coming back. I hold back my pain that made things impossible, I concentrated and side my foot in ground and move my arm like waves, I moved my fingers almost like a dance. I gracefully moved my hands and lifted them carefully in no time I was forming glowing waves with my hands I moved my hands from side to side and then inside in my hands I formed a bright glowing blue ball I pulled the ball closer to my body becoming one with it, I was filled with energy which helped my body as well.

I did it man I thought I forgot. I was taught this in the Hunter Association. Shit its really late I better go to bed.

The next day I was in tree again, funny thing is I don't remember climbing the tree

" wake up sleeping beauty before you get raped " Brothers Grimm right I sat up and just fell down landing in ground. I looked at him he was smiling

"Come on, get ready " he said

I received multiple punches. My fist bloody and red. I used all the tansformations expect vampire but with everything happening I accidently turn into a vampire in bright sunlight. I left to the ground, the Sun burned my skin and I was blind. Drake was cussing idiot and got on top of me covering me.

I could smell it was a strong manly smell, an ocean smell the beach,sand, I have never been to beach in long time.

" Transform now " i couldn't breath but I mangaed to transform

"Sorry " I said breathing slowly i closed my eyes. I could feel his breath on my neck it was warm. It felt like he was getting closer to be neck. I put my hands on his chest and I heard a growl then heard a really low whisper mine

" Drake " I said

" Yea " he said he slowly got of me but stopped and looked at me. His blue eyes seemed soft and a bit lonely but then they turned back to normal cruel and cold.

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