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We caught up with the rest who had weapons

The plan is to go to the next check point and try to go to the exit without getting hurt but I think it's to late for that.

I asked how long are we going to be here " it was a killer forest"

" months weeks years until he gets bored "

I looked around full of monster and a killer forest surrounding us how amazing

Cross my legs and sat. I was still bleeding from the wounds I got. I lay down and closed my eyes. I miss Jinx Alex Rachel everyone I want to see drake. Why me. Someone save me. Please save me. I said taking a deep breath and getting up

Lets go we walked for long hours until it was dark. We built a small camp and made a fire. I felt homesick and destroyed from the inside. We each took turns staying up we didn't talk. They still don't trust me yet.

I was tapped in shoulder " your turn " it was Sky I opened my eyes and nodded. "Do you care to tell me your story " I asked a bit curious

" You going to tell me yours " she asked looking at me I laughed " sure "

" Well I lived in a village far from here and
I was the chef daughter. My father Chef meant I had so much responsibilities. I was a great hunter and was soon to be wedded to man from neighbor village. I was excited , I met him and he was really kind and strong. I fell in love" she stopped her hands turned into fist " but he was killed in front of me and in my wedding and he stole me and raped me and tortured me " I looked away angry

She lay down and closed her eyes

I walked circling them until I was in front to river. I looked in river my reflection. I summoned my dad knife. I lost everything and I have no powers Im weak tears rolled my eyes Martin Alex Jinx Marco Rachel Andrew Drake. Why me. I hold my arm pulled my arm back and was about to throw the knife

Im sorry dad and mom im not strong enough

Hey what the hell you think your doing
I stopped and looked around

" Such an idiot the knife the glowing knife is talking" I looked at the knife

You talk

" Of course I can moron "

"So what's wrong never seen you cry, your mom never did even when she was dying " my eyes widened

"You know my mother " I said

"Yeah what of it " the knife talked I calmed down

" So what's your story" I asked

" I read your thoughts, and talked,your like your mother stubborn and stupid just like and your mother was like your grandmother. " he said

" so what are you, and why do you now talk to me" I asked so confused

" Cause A Stupid Idiot Wanted To Throw Me Into A RIVER WHERE FISH, LIVE IN THERE OWN POOP" he yelled

The knife was hovering in air

" so why you crying kid "

" now im kid, what happened to idiot " I said yelling

" so what's your story " I asked calming down and sat next to a tree not far away from camp. I looked at the knife carefully and saw a man looking the other way annoyed. He was wearing a old style of warrior clothes animal skins with sword and a bow and arrow on his back

" don't know, ... why do you want to know, don't you have more important things to do " he said looking at me through the knife. He mumbled something

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