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I walked a road alone and I couldn't turn back even if I wanted to the wall where closing behind me. The stepping stones I was on were getting small as further I went. I could hear voices but I didn't know what they where saying.

Everything was dead cold, but I can only say I am long gone

"Not really " said a deep voice coming from above

I looked and saw nothing but darkness

"Who's there " I said unaware of where that voice really came from

"I am behind you " I turn around and almost fell off the stepping stones

"Be careful you can fall to hell " I look down and saw red clouds and though a gap I saw fire

"We wouldn't want that to the black raven would we " he surprised me

" I am no longer that person " I said looking at my hands feeling disappointed

The man was tall and was wearing a suit, his eye where blue but something felt wrong so it better if I put my guard up

"Let's go " he put his hand out and moved his hand side to side while his left hand was behind his back

" Where " watching and amazed and wondering who this person was

Another path was made by him and it went somewhere else

"I must train you " he said stopping and looked me

" But I am dead " I said

" If you where, you would have seen him " he said walking to the path "your friends will figure a way to bring you back "

"I hope you didn't forget you left clues, when you were searching for information about spirit warriors and how you could get your powers back" how did he know that only I knew but I am dead so my secrets an known

"Yes, but can you least tell me who you are " he's right I must train for them

" My name is Drake the first Spirit Warriors ever made I was sent by the Moon Goddess herself, don't disappoint me when your ready I could go back to sleep" he's drake the forest spirit warriors you defeated thousands to warriors ( vampires werewolves witches shadow creatures and humans ) with just his sword the warriors joined forces to take over the world he defeated them all and there leaders The Evil Four who cause disaster and killed millions He was The White Spirit Warrior

"Come we don't have much time, I will meet you there" meet with there what does he mean I don't understand

"Oh since we have started training it's better to take your powers away " he teleported away

I tried changing to see if it was true and it's was I began to walk and the run and walk it's seemed it was an eternity the stepping stones where the size of pebbles but lucky there were in groups of circle

I slipped and was hanging from hand grabbing the pebbles "haha" someone laughed sound like a kid

I climb up and was back to the shity path. I saw the kid standing before me the kid was in rags " master sent me and want me to tell you to hurry up " he said evilly

This brat "SO HURRY " he yelled laughing

" how much longer " I said tired

" a couple more hundred miles or more " he was just about teleport and leave me and I grab his hand

"See you there " I smiled and then I let go and began running and jumping high up to get there faster

Fuck I am hungry I was using to much energy but I must go for them. This seems to never end. I saw a light not far from me. And then I heard a huge crack behind me damn it please don't be what I think it is. I look at saw what I feared the floor began to fall apart I made a run for it burns still had to look carefully

The Spirit Warrior Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora