Jinx Kidnap

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All of them went through the same thing expect for Martin cause he's a vampire no longer alive. This cave was a trap made by vampires. I helped them and so did Martian. They made it out of danger and got the blue stone they needed. They got out of the cave, and after this I wouldn't be able to go out of the cave, but after we said our goodbyes. Andrew got a call Jinx is lost while trying to escape and going to Sanctuary. She is lost Jinx is lost I tired to get out of the cave but it kept me in she needs me. I tired my best to get out but something is causing me pain. Rachel got close " stop your hurting yourself " I haven't spoke but as painfully as it was "SHE......NEE..DS..ME" they looked surprised

" We will find her" Martin said she wasn't suppose get lost I know this she was safe I push and that burned my skin after I sense drake and created a stronger force field he kept yelling. If stay in the circle in earth I would be able to find jinx " Stop please your hurting yourself, I will find her I promise " said Rachel I stopped and drake had me in a arm lock " save her " and was pulled back drake world

I was dizzy and my head hurt he yelled at me " what were you doing "

He kept yelling at me, I stood up and faced him. He grab my shoulders. I grab his hands and broke them. He pushed me away his hands healed. I ran to him and tired to punch him. He back off and dodge it. I kicked him and he crashed through a tree. He grabbed my neck and tired to choke me. My hair covered my eyes I wasn't in control. And he noticed but she needs me I can't live with out her. It doesn't matter he can handle it, only this time I can let out my frustration anger. Forgive me. My eyes turned pure black.

I attacked first and punch him multiple times in ribs and in face. He understood why I didn't fight it back. And he gave it his all. He dodged the insanity control me.

A cape appeared not my spirit warrior cape something all spirit warriors fear to have and some die from it cause hey can't control it. But I read and did my research I can control it it's stronger than a normal spirit warrior cape and it's hard to control. We spirit warriors need concentration and have full mental control be serious. It's hard it really that's we are serious and get every job done and since you get your powers and become a spirit warrior you have to be serious.

The cape appeared and also a mask appeared on my mouth wore vampire style clothes

My hair was in curls, I am a body without a soul. I gave them a chance to live. And I failed to protect the person I loved and now she's in danger this wasn't suppose to happen. What did I do wrong. Out of nowhere drake punched me. " stop it Jasmin" he said

" I know how you feel" he said " when Ruby killed my brother I wanted to kill her but I couldn't she was my best friend "

" but clam down " he said " please you showed a few things and u surprised me you never gave up, and stayed "

"But you can't do this, you think you can't control it but you can't. It takes control of you"

His dragon appeared and looked at me he attack with his fist trying to squash me. I grab it's arm a threw forward, the huge dragon crashed to the ground and he stream came out of its body. Drake saw a chance to attack but I pulled out a long red katana and swipe my sword at his stomach it cut with but it wasn't a bad one he covered his stomach with his arms, his wounds quickly healed.

I knew something, I was lost all the things I have done. Stayed away kept everything to myself my emotions my pain. And now there's a fucking war and I am no part of it. My family my friends are dying. My white wolf will be killed. I see no light at the end of this endless tunnel. The huge dragon stood up and attack. And used a dragon roar attack fire burned my arms but my sword absorbed everything and reversed the attack. The dragon looked angry I attacked I will end you I swiped my sword and cut the dragon skinned armor.

" Don't hold back, she will kill you "

" yes master "

They both attacked he gave it his all but he didn't want to hurt me, kill with he is standing in your way to go back home who was that kill him, kill them. No I said KILL THEM it grew angry who was that. My body was being control now, I walked in dark path I couldn't even see what was in front of me but then out of nowhere I hit a glass wall. I saw myself fighting them, my dragon was helping them

" over here " said someone behind me. It was me when I was a little girl,I was wearing a black cape " what's going on" I said I was surprised of how small I was " how long are you going to look at me" she said

" hey big me, do you know were my daddy is I can't find him" she said looking around

"What do you mean " I said

" maybe my daddy is playing hide and seek again, he has been gone for three years or more" she said she ran to me she had no shoes

" dad promised me, he would never leave me " she said " I miss my daddy"

" I remember one of my dad favorite rules "

We both said the words " Your friends are your family, you protect your family until you die "

" do you know that rules he says your family is more important than ur life and to always put them first if you don't you have no place in this hell of a word" she said and she was right

My father always valued his friends and he did the same as I did to avenge Martin. He killed anyone who messed with his family even it his enemy was ten times strong than him.

That is Rwby I love I have watched all episode its funny I love it, you should watch it

I cried I miss my dad too. Some big strong hand land on my head. I head little me scream daddy. I open my eyes and saw him coming out of a white door and light was coming from behind him.

" are you willing to die for your family " I nodded I hugged my dad and I punched the glass wall. Huge pieces of glass crashed to ground I looked behind me they were going inside the door. I smiled I jumped down and returned to my body

And stopped " what are you doing "

" Fuck off " I said the cape disappeared and so did the sword. I ran to drake Simon scared ran to drake also. " Forgive me"

"it's OK I understand " he grabbed my head everyone looked bad and beaten up

I whispered a few words and magic healed everyone's wounds even mine.

" Jinx has been captured, by the Victor gang " Simon said sad and worried

I stood up and walked away fell to my knees and cried. I fainted after stupid weak body

( watch it you have to watch I love this song )

I am sorry I said sorry but things happening. My school grade pretty bad but I will finish the book I promise so keep reading I will post a new chapter this weekend or the next weekend I promise so again thank you for reading forgive me

The Spirit Warrior Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt