A Morning Warning

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Woke up feeling strange my body hurt I tried to stand up but it hurt so much it was like being hit by a bullet I slowly got out of bed. My dad was calling me I was in so much pain must be the cause of my B-day was coming and when I finally become spirit warrior

My dad was banging on the door " come out " dad said " I can't " I yelled
My dad came to the room and started to laugh " you look like an old lady " he said "stop it dad " I guess I was moving at speed of one. I soon as came it left. I stood up straight my dad chuckled and left. It was 10:00 am I beat my alarm haha I don't know why I have a clock I wake up so early I put on some sweats and a tank top and went downstairs.

I saw Victor eating cereal I went down the basement I did push up and sit up pull ups I have to do this daily every morning I also have to do parkour or do gymnastics

" do you want to spar, " Victor said "no it's alright I am already done," I said going upstairs passing him and went to eat I don't know why but I have a feeling that I shouldn't trust him just begin close to him made my stomach hurt which meant to be more alert

At night dad told me I had a mission and there's another thing " I want you to meet someone" he said. A girl came in to view he said " hey I am Marisol " the girl said " hi " I said " she will go on a mission with you " dad said " ok I have to go jog bye." I said I also have to jog I ran 5 street blocks and back so I ran 10 blocks. I felt someone staring at me I stop and look around nothing I went home it already 5:00 pm I sat on table Marisol was there too "what's the mission dad " I said " A group of the vampire is running a club humans go into the club and vampire kill them. You and Marisol have to go in kill all the vampires is that clear now go get ready and give Marisol something nice to wear " dad said I curled my hair and I put on a red sleeveless shirt with a tail and a black pants I gave a blue sleeveless shirt and black jeans to Marisol it was 9:00 time pass by really quickly

We where at club many people where looking at us it was pure luck the vampire let us pass " how many are in here " Marisol said " 12 I think " I said " hello there beautiful " must be a leader of the club " hello " I said he put his hands in my waist and pulled me close to his chest . Vampires don't have a heartbeat, not like humans. Well? vampires have a heartbeat it only beats once a minute I took his hands from my waist was heading to Marisol I wiser go sit on table she nodded " I want to go someplace private you want to come " he said " yeah sure " I went upstairs it was at the corner of the club he took me into the room. The room was red there was a huge window you could see the people dance you could also see almost the whole club it was a nice view

He grabs my hand and slams me into the wall his lips where on my neck he was breathing hard why was he breathing hard he was kissing my neck I was just about to moan I quickly remember my mission

" you smell nice I can't hold myself much longer " I felt weird I felt like the time I was in a bar and the guy that was from the bar he was close the guy from the bar was closed. I felt fangs on my neck I snap out

" What are you doing let go, " I said. he got a hold of my waist his hold got strong " let go " I said

It is time I told myself I push him off of Me I took out my knife out of my pants I swing punch him in face " hunter " he hissed I smile
He ran to me I kick him in the stomach he hit the wall. Let's end this I used my super speed and strength and stab him in heart then cut his throat I grab his body and threw him to the huge window

Ah, maybe I shouldn't have done that damn how stupid of me.

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